Chapter 9

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e/n means editor's note:)

~5 Months later~

Third person’s pov

It took Muichiro a while to process what Y/n told him 5 months ago, it gave him a lot of headaches and Y/n would always apologise for spilling too much information.

Muichiro managed to develop his own breathing style “breath of mist” after training really hard. The harsh training caused y/n to constantly worry as she heard that he would often cough up blood. Y/n knew that he was stubborn and wanted to push himself, and all she could do was to encourage and support him from the sidelines. But how will she do that? 

By making him simmered radish with sweet miso of course!

“Well, the only way to find out is through research! Right?” Y/n tried to be convincing.

“Fine,” Muichiro gave in, “but you have to make me simmered radish with sweet miso for the rest of the week."
Y/n nodded happily, accepting Muichiro’s terms and heaved a sigh of relief. 

Muichiro first tried the dish, it felt nostalgic, like his past self loved this dish. But of course, he couldn't remember that this was his favourite food, so he just begged y/n to make more for him.

As for y/n, she developed her own breathing style too, she learnt both flower breathing and wind breathing from both her masters, and also a little bit of sun breathing, from yoriichi, in which she has never tried in real life before. She combined all of those techniques to form a new one.

The Breath of time.

Y/n has worked hard to develop her breathing technique and it really impressed her temporary mentor, Shinazugawa-sama.

“Shinazugawa-sama! Look, I'm so quick now! WoOO” Y/n happily exclaimed as she used her breathing style.

“Don’t get all cocky with me, you brat, I am only training you because of Kanae.” Shinazugawa huffed and folded his arms. However deep down, he felt proud of what she has accomplished. But of course our resident tsundere would not admit it to her face. (e/n: author-san you cannot convince me he's not a tsundere)

And then suddenly,

“You're ready to go to the final selection.”

Y/n froze. “Really? Finally?” Y/n jumped around in excitement.

~later that night~

Muichiro’s pov

I was about to return to Himejima-sama’s estate. He allowed me to stay with him since I don’t exactly have a home and It isn’t appropriate for me to live in the butterfly estate full of girls. But when I was reaching I saw a figure on the rooftop, I narrowed my eyes to see y/n sitting up there by herself. 

“Oi! Y/n!” I called out to her from below.

“Muichiro!” She stood up and leaped down the two story building, for a moment it felt like time had stopped. Her actions made my heart drop. I thought her legs would break, or that she would sustain major injuries but thank god it didn't happen. 

“Muichiro! Guess what, guess what?” She circled around me, her beautiful H/c hair bouncing and swaying each time she circled me. Pretty. Wait what-?

She stopped behind me and started shaking my shoulder. “I am going for the final selection!” 


“Yes! I have been training for a year in preparation for the final selection!” 

I thought for a moment, the final selection would be tough, but I must protect her. “I will come along with you”

Her eyes widened, “eh? But you've only trained for a short period of time.”

“It's okay, I won’t die.” I smiled. 

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