Chapter 45

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Third person's pov

"Tokito-san, I am back!"

Senjuro stood proudly at the front door of Muichiro's estate with a victorious smile. "I avenged Y/n-san!"

The silence was loud when Senjuro noticed that Muichiro was not at home however he was also unaware that there was someone else listening in.

"Avenged?" Said a voice that Senjuro dreaded to hear.

Yuki had been listening, seeing how Senjuro had returned without her brother, she realised what happened at the final selection.

There, standing by the doorway stood Yuki.

"You killed my brother, didn't you...?" She said with a disturbing snicker.

Senjuro opted to stay silent, refusing to look in her direction because of the discomfort he felt with how Yuki had worded what she had said.

"I guess... there's no reason to hide it anymore? Eh?"

"Hide what?"

"What happened to Y/n."

The silence was deafening yet Senjuro could hear his own heart racing and pounding rapidly in his chest, chills went down his spine, his eyes widened and his face paled. This is the moment he had been waiting for, the moment the siblings would confess their crimes.

Senjuro could feel Yuki's presence looming closer to him from behind, and the atmosphere surrounding the room started to feel heavier.

Yuki's face leaned closer beside Senjuro, her mouth right next to his ear.

"We killed time pillar, y/n-sama~"

Rage crept into Senjuro's face as he slowly turned to face Yuki with a deathly stare.

"Yeah..." Yuki said with a sickly smile. "Her crime was all a lie, we framed her. It was a piece of cake, really! We faked everything. Everything was done by me and my amazing brother. We just had to use a form on her and she's out! I loved how she couldn't be bothered to explain for herself!"

"Y-you... finally confessed..." said Senjuro with a quivering voice.

"Oh? You knew?" She sounded surprised but started chuckling which then turned into crazed laughter. "Too bad! Poor Y/n-sama is probably dead by now! Dead! And... nobody would believe what I just told you! Fo-"


The door burst open, sending dust and debris flying into the living room. Senjuro had covered his face with his arm to protect himself.

Senjuro lowered his arm when he heard the sound of someone gasping for air as they were kicked to the ground. "L-let me- Gah! Mui-"

It was Muichiro that rushed in, holding Yuki up in the air by the neck, slowly suffocating her. Muichiro's physical appearance had changed while Y/n was gone, his bangs stayed the same but his hair was now held up into a fine ponytail. He had grown stronger and way taller. His face now sharper, more intimidating and more... handsome? Good looking? Hot? (A/N: Ok he shld be arnd 19-20 now i forgot)

"Tokito san... calm down..." Kanae hurried behind the enraged mist hashira and placed a hand on his shoulder. "You can't kill her, not yet. Oyakata-sama should know the truth."

'Kill her, she caused y/n's death. Kill her. Crush her neck. Turn her blue. Kill her.' Were Muichiro's thoughts. He couldn't believe that he had let this ungrateful and psychopathic rat live under his roof thinking that it would be pathetic but the only way to make it up to Y/n. Muichiro was eager to end Yuki's life, however he pushed those reckless thoughts aside after a few deep calming breaths and let the girl fall to the ground only for her to be yanked upright again by the hair courtesy of the Wind pillar.

Yuki let out a loud yelp and her face scrunched up in pain as she could feel her hair being ripped off of her scalp.

"If only y/n-san could see this." Sanemi mocked as he stuck his face uncomfortably closer to Yuki's, staring her down with his large and shrewd eyes.


a/n: remember the room with Oyakata-sama and the pillars? Yeah this is where they are, I FORGOT HOW TO INSERT A PICTURE MAN.

"Y/n L/n was a kind being, she saved you and your brother from demons, for what reason would lead to you wanting to harm her?" Oyakata-sama asked in a calm manner.

"Kind? Saved me and my brother?" Yuki repeated the words of the master, "She killed our parents"

"Fool!" Sanemi exclaimed, "Your parents had turned into demons! Y/n killed them to protect the both of you! Oyakata-sama we have to seek justice for Y/n! She suffered so much because of this idiotic girl!"

Yuki was at a loss for words, she was hyperventilating, trying to think of a way to get out of this place.

Oyakata-sama gave a solemn nod. Moments later the girl was dragged out of the room by the other pillars that were waiting for her blood to be spilled.

She screamed like a pig from a slaughterhouse, they showed no mercy.

"Muichiro my child, please come here." Oyakata-sama ordered the dazed young man.

He stepped forward and sat in front of his leader, their eyes met. Oyakata-sama's eyes became softer and he wore a gentle smile. "My child, I hope you feel more at ease now that Yuki has gotten what she deserved."

Muichiro said nothing but nodded slightly because deep down, he did not feel at ease at all.

The meeting was wrapped up quickly, Yuki had given up and spilled the truth. The truth that had finally managed to clear our dear Y/n's innocence. Sanemi killed Yuki soon after and Muichiro didn't bother staying to watch. Instead, he headed to the lake where the old lady rested, the old lady that tried to help them before he hit his head and lost his memory, according to y/n.

The once lake that was dry and lifeless is now surrounded with more greenery. While Y/n was gone, Muichiro had planted her favourite flowers all around this very lake. Now, this field of [favourite flowers] is where he visits every time he starts thinking about her. After Senjuro had finally informed him of Y/n's intentions when she refused to tell him the truth, more thoughts started to surface in his head.

"If only I was quicker, if only I had noticed what she thought she was trying to do for Yuki and I. So silly..."

"Y/n, I am sorry... I am sorry it took me so long to understand my feelings for you and an eternity for me to notice your feelings for me too."

"I failed to protect you."

All he hoped for was that his true love is still alive, safe, and waiting for him to find her. And if he ever does end up finding her, he promises to love and cherish her forever, to go through hell with her. He would bring her to this same field of [favourite flowers] and watch as her face light up in joy. He would hold her hand, keep her close and let her know just how much he loves her. He would have never let her slip away from him again. Never.

Muichiro laid on the soft bed of flowers (a/n: if you like roses... pretend they don't have thorns) with soft rays of warmth that casted on his lean figure. It was a quiet and peaceful afternoon, the calming sound of the lake and nature put the troubled soul at ease. His teal-green eyes looked up to the azure blue sky with fluffy clouds in awe. He took the time to enjoy the tranquility and appreciate this moment of solitude, something that he does not experience often.

He whispered to himself one last question before a tear rolled down his cheeks as he closed his eyes. "Y/n, when will I ever see you again?" 

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