Chapter 29

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Third person's pov

"Your strong y/n-chan! Why don't you become a demon like me?" Akaza walked towards y/n and held her warm hands with his cold ones, gently rubbing it with his thumb as he looked into her eyes.

To be honest, Y/n had no idea what she was going to do, she wanted to leave, but she couldn't. Now, this weirdo is asking her to be a demon, definitely not.

"No. Now give me my sword back." Y/n grabbed onto the handle of her sword and aggressively pulled it backwards, however before she could, Akaza grabbed the mid end of the blade and pulled both y/n and the blade towards him, causing poor y/n to fall onto his chest. He then secured her in his arms for a tight embrace.The side of y/n's face laid on the... well-toned? chest of Akaza, she could feel the warmth and also an overwhelming sense of security in his arms. It wasn't just secure but suffocating.

Heat rises up to y/n's cheeks as she realizes what she got herself into. 'How did I end up here...'

Without hesitation, y/n bents her knee and reaches for a small blade strapped to her boots. Twirling it for the handle to fit perfectly in her hand before jabbing it into Akaza's chest.

"Ouch, you do know that a tiny blade can't do anything to me, right?" Akaza played with strands of y/n's hair while y/n stood waiting patiently for the effects.

Akaza, having noticed a pause in y/n's struggle, decided to tease her "That's right y/n, you can admit defeat now! Become a... a... d-"


"Ne, Y/n-san~!" Shinobu skipped over towards y/n that was polishing her sword.

"Look what I got." Shinobu whipped out a pocket blade with enthusiasm and pride shown on her face.

"This is the latest poison recipe I created, I will give this to you..." Shinobu said as she opened up y/n's palm to place the blade on it. "Help me test this out, alright?"

Y/n inspects the blade, noticing a small dose of purple wisteria poison fitted perfectly in the middle. "No problem, Shinobu-chan."

Akaza pulled out the blade after gently pushing y/n away. Y/n watched as the wound slowly bruised purple, the purple dose in the blade drained completely.

It was the perfect time to test the poison! A faint smile appeared on y/n's face as she couldn't wait to tell her 'younger sister' about the result, in addition to the fact that it was an upper moon.

Akaza squinted his eyes as he looked at the blade, before crushing it in his own hands and y/n flinched.

An uneasy expression could be seen on y/n's face as Akaza towers over her and his hand starting to caress her head

"This poison is not effective for an Upper moon like me, y/n-chan."

Y/n gave up, she wanted to leave. She knows that she has no chance against this demon, he won't even fight back, it's useless.

"I'm sorry for teasing you, y/n-chan. I will let you think about my offer..." akaza leaped to a higher part of the roof, watching y/n from above. "By the way, you are 18, right? It's not right to talk to an underaged girl, hm?"

"No, I am 5." Y/n replied in a sarcastic tone as she put her sword back into its sheath.

Akaza chuckled at Y/n's reply before disappearing into the night sky.

Y/n's hands clenched into a fist as she thought about what had happened a few moments ago. Humiliation, disrespect, the amount of frustration that y/n had to endure.

"I will kill you one day, upper moon 3."

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