Chapter 12

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Y/n's pov

Suddenly, the tightness around my body loosened and I was lying in the arms of someone with a familiar scent.

We landed on the ground gently and the moonlight shone on its face. It's Muichiro! He came back for me!

"Wait here." He whispered as he gently laid me down on the ground.

That was so quick. How is Muichiro that fast?


Its head got cut off, and in front of the disintegrating body stood Muichiro, sliding his sword back into his sheath.

He turned his body and glared at me in disappointment. I flinched and looked uncomfortably at him before dipping my head down in guilt. He swiftly picked me up bridal style and landed on another branch.

Third Person's pov

"You said you will be fine."

Muichiro was patching up y/n's forehead with a bandage that he brought along with him.

"It was just a scratch, I- Ow!" Y/n flinched and whimpered upon the boy flicking a finger on her forehead.

"Shut up, you injured your ankle too, dont argue with me." The boy pointed at her swollen ankle.

"I'm sorry" y/n frowned.

"What happened? You could have killed that demon easily." He asked as he slowly massaged her ankle.

"Didn't you tell me to shut u- Ow! That hurts!" Y/n whined again when force was applied on her injury.

Muichiro shot an annoyed glare at y/n, causing her to dip her head back down in embarrassment again.

"I was trying to help someone and I wasn't aware of it coming." Y/n admitted.

"Why wasn't he there with you? He got eaten?" Muichiro recalled the scene when y/n was struggling with the demon alone.

"He ran away... he.. left me."

"Tch, useless." Muichiro commented on the cowardly participant.

There was an awkward silence when Muichiro was adjusting y/n's ankle. It was embarrassing for her, but she was thankful to have him with her.

"Thank you, for saving me. I-"

Y/n's words were cut off when she was suddenly pulled into an embrace. Y/n felt her cheeks heat up and her heart racing.

"Stop being so careless. You are the only one I have."

Muichiro's words sent chills down Y/n's spine and multiple thoughts were running through her mind.

'He is hugging me! That was so touching! He smells good... I need to keep my composure!'

Y/n gently stroked through Muichiro's hair. "I am sorry, I will be more careful, alright?"

Although she sounded calm and gentle, she was freaking out on the inside, she felt that her little heart was about to explode.

"Good." He said before nuzzling his face into her shoulders.

Y/n.exe has stopped working.

Muichiro's pov

Holding her close made me feel at ease again, the thought that I could have lost her if I had come any later, and that thought frightens me.

She is the only friend I have, the only one that remembers my past, the only one that I can fully trust, I can't lose her, never.

"Muichiro? Hey, are you good?" She whispered softly into my ear.

Maybe that was too touchy. I quickly pulled her away from the hug and picked up my sword again. Y/n's e/c eyes stared into mine and blinked in confusion.

"Yes, I am fine... just rest a little, I will protect us before you can fight again." I gave her a reassuring smile.

"Mhm! I will recover in no time, don't worry about me Muichiro!"

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