Chapter 10

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Y/n's pov

"Y/n, here is the Nichirin sword you will be using." Kanae said as she passed me the sword. It had a black handle and a black sheath, and beneath it hid the silver blade.

"And here is the attire I bought for you." Kanae passed me a black chinese hanfu with long and tight sleeves, embroidered with white patterns.

" Kanae passed me a black chinese hanfu with long and tight sleeves, embroidered with white patterns

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I immediately changed into the attire, it was perfect for me and my breathing style.

"Great! You are good to go now!" Kanae said as she pushed me out of the estate.

"Come back in one piece okay? I believe in you." Kanae smiled as she tightened the ribbon knot on my waist.

"Yes! I will be back soon! Wait for me!" I waved goodbye to Kanae and the butterfly girls before making my way to the stone pillar's estate for Muichiro.

Muichiro was already outside, looking at the clouds above. He was wearing the same hanfu as me, but with a black haori over, to complement his breathing style too.

"Muichiro! Let's go!" I ran over to him.

He nodded and we made our way to the final selection together.

~when they reached the final selection~

Muichiro's pov

We arrived and we were greeted by two similar looking young girls. It was dark, the sun had already set, of course the demons were lurking about, that's when we made our way in.

Y/n and I stayed together, backing each other up, so that no demon would lay a scratch on us. We slayed loads of demons in the mountain, but one demon in particular got us in trouble.

A blood curdling scream could be heard from afar as we camped on a tree.

"Someone's in trouble." I sighed.

"I will go help." Y/n stood on the big branch, about to leap towards the scream until another scream came from the opposite direction.

"I will go with you." I said after ignoring the scream

"No, you can't! You have to go help the other one!"

"Y/n, you said we will stick together." I said sternly as I tugged on her sleeves

"Muichiro, im sorry, I promise I will be fine, okay?" Y/n said before pushing my hand off and leaping towards the scream.

"Y/n- damnit." I groaned and made my way to the opposite direction.

When i reached, i was greeted by an awful sight. His guts were scattered all over the ground, his limbs were ripped off and the demon was eating down his split skull. "Yuck." I thought.

"Mist breathing, fourth form: Shifting flow slash."

He is dead. Great, now I have to head back to y/n. Or so I thought.

"Wait! Help me! I am wounded!" One random lost participants held onto my leg, crying desperately.

This is bad. I need to get back with y/n but I need to help this guy too.

"What?" I asked.

"My arm, dislocated. Can you help me relocate it please? I can't do it myself!"

I kneeled down to the ground beside him, in an attempt to quickly pop it back in place while keeping a lookout for any demons nearby. It took me quite a long time, I wasn't like Shinobu-sama, I don't fix body parts.

After the job was done, I quickly ran for y/n. Y/n should be looking for me right now, but she isn't, something is wrong.

When I reached, the sight made my blood run cold. Her neatly tied/clipped hair is now messy and has strands coming loose. Blood was dripping from a big scratch on her forehead, staining her clothes. That's not the worst part, her sword was on the floor and her whole body was in the demon's grasp.

"Let go of me!" She exclaimed in fear as her legs struggled to break herself free.

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