Chapter 2

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Muichiro’s pov 

I brought y/n to my house. As we walked, I thought about my brother. I wondered what he was going to cook for dinner. The thought of his cooking made my stomach growl with hunger, which I hope y/n didn’t notice. Speaking of y/n, I noticed that her lips are curled up into a smile. 

“Why are you happy? You can’t be looking forward to doing work right…?”

She chuckled “Haha, no… I just love the view here.” 

“Hm…” was the only thing I could say before I started observing my surroundings. We were walking on a wide and sturdy bridge that oddly has no railings, the sunset caused the water in the lake to shimmer with iridescent hues, sparkling. 

I guess that was what she was referring to… I smiled softly.

~ Timeskip to end of discussion of work ~

Y/n’s pov

“Alright Muichiro! Thank you for today! I will go home now!!” I grabbed my bag and stood at the door with a smile on my face, satisfied with our progress today. 

“Let me walk you home, a girl shouldn’t go home alone.” Muichiro suggested while grabbing his keys.

I nodded, it's good to have company anyway!

We were on the same bridge again, I was deep in thought, thinking about the things that happened today when suddenly…

“There's a demon behind you!” Muichiro said aloud behind my left ear.

I yelped and flinched while moving a few steps back. Taking deep breaths, trying to calm myself down, I punched Muichiro’s chest as he giggled.

“OI! Are you trying to kill me? Idiot!”

“Should have seen your own face! Careful you are close to the ed-”

Blinded by rage, I swiftly turned around, not realizing that I was close to the edge, I lost my footing and fell into the deep dark lake, the only light source being some nearby lampposts and the moonlight itself. I swim back up to the surface to see muichiro’s arm reaching out to me from the bridge.

“GAH! Help! Muichi-“ I reached my hand out too, in an attempt to grab his. But before I could, an unknown force started pulling me back into the cold depths.

I started panicking , air bubbles coming out of my mouth, when I suddenly heard a big “SPLASH!”. A figure is now underwater with me, the moonlight shining behind him, it was muichiro, he was trying to reach out to me. A muffled “Y/n!” could be heard as the voice propagated through the water. However, due to the loss of air, I could no longer respond. Consumed with fear, I tightly gripped onto his arm, refusing to let go. We were pulled deeper into the lake as the moonlight was slowly fading away. Despite Muichiro desperately trying to get us back to the surface, I started seeing black spots in my vision. 

I blacked out.

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