Chapter 52

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Warning: lots and lots and lots and lots of dialogue

Y/n's pov

"Y/n! I- I was gonna knock but then you-"

"MMhM, mm!" I muffled while signalling for him to let go of me.

"Sorry, there are patients here resting, you will wake them up." he quickly released his grip, his eyes wide with urgency as he checked his surroundings, hoping that no one heard me then he directed his attention back to me, my outfit and my bag. "Y/n, what are you wearing?"

"M-my pajamas." I stammered, my mind scattering to find an excuse. "To sleep!"

He arched an eyebrow, his gaze flickering to the bag I was hastily concealing behind my back. Caught off guard, I struggled to come up with a response.

"Y/n, it's late, where are you trying to go?" Muichiro was concerned, he knows what I am up to.

"I was planning on going to find supper." I coughed up a reasonable lie.

"I'm really hungry, I can't wait anymore." Another excuse I made as I shoved Muichiro out of the doorway to let myself through only to be held back by a grip from my wrist.

"What do you want?" Frustration welled up inside me as I met his gaze, knowing that he saw through my facade.

"Y/n, stop lying, I know what you are trying to do." Without letting go of me, his eyes shifted to the note i left on the table. "But why? You finally came back home."

"Let go of me!" I snapped, trying to wrench my wrist from his grasp. "Why are you so concerned about where I go? I tried to hurt somebody! You just want to send me to where Oyakata-sama wanted to send me, right? Were you spying on me or something?" Anger tinged my voice as I struggled against his hold, frustration and defiance boiling within me.

As I continued to struggle against Muichiro's grasp, ready to fight for my freedom, he surprised me by pulling me into his arms. The warmth of his embrace enveloped me, offering a sense of comfort and security that I felt I didn't deserve. It felt wrong, almost foreign, to be held so tenderly after the lies I had spun, the plans I had made to leave and what I did to Yuki...

Caught off guard by his unexpected gesture of affection, I stiffened in his arms, uncertainty clouding my thoughts. "W-what are you doing? Let go!" He refused and instead held me tighter, causing my cheeks to flush red.

But as I remained locked in his embrace, a wave of conflicting emotions washed over me. Guilt gnawed at my conscience, mingling with the warmth of his touch and the sincerity in his eyes.

"Y/n... I know what happened." Muichiro's voice was soft, filled with understanding. " I know it wasn't you. They tricked you."

"Tricked me? I don't know what you are talking about." I denied, unaware that tears were welling up in my eyes. It's like my body knows I've been wronged but I don't.

As Muichiro guided me back into my room, a sense of safety washed over me in his arms. He released me and held me by the shoulders, his teal-colored eyes locking with mine with unwavering intensity. "I will explain it to you"

Listening to his explanation, shock and disbelief coursed through me like a bolt of lightning. The truth unfolded before me, shattering the illusion I had been living under. The siblings I took under my care, had betrayed me, using my form to frame me. And all this time, I had been unaware of the manipulation that had twisted the reality around me.

"But there's one thing I don't understand," Muichiro continued, his voice tinged with concern. "Why didn't you explain yourself, Y/n? Why didn't you tell Amane-sama? Why didn't you say anything?"

I was stunned, grappling with the realization that I had been living with a lie. "I... I don't know. Everything happened so fast, and I was so overwhelmed. I thought I hurt Yuki, but I couldn't remember. I was convinced it was me."

"But y/n, you could have said something. We will believe you, we are here to support you. The pillars, even Oyakata- sama, were so ready to defend you. Keeping silent made it worse." Muichiro's voice was steady yet laced with a tint of urgency, he was desperate to make sense of my actions.

"How can I explain myself when I can't remember anything to defend myself with? "I was unconscious the entire time Yuki got attacked", is that what you want me to say? Do you think that makes sense?" I question, frustration evident in my voice.

"You could have atleast told me!" Muichiro argued, his tone tinged with hurt. "Did you not trust me?"

His words stung, igniting a surge of frustration within me. "Trust you? You are the last person that will believe me! Why would I even trust you in the first place!" I retorted, my voice rising with emotion. "She's your girlfriend, I almost killed her. I know you hated me then. I know you did."

"Y/n, What are you talking about? Girlfriend?" Muichiro's confusion was evident, his brows furrowed in bewilderment.

"I once brought Iguro-san to a lake, you two were there" My voice was trembling with emotions. "You and Yuki were hugging! You guys looked so in love! , I thought-" (ref: chap 35)

"Y/n, it's not what you think." Muichiro's gaze softened as he finally understood the source of my confusion. " Yuki and I are not... she's not my girlfriend. She liked me but I didnt- I would never... "

"You guys weren't-" My words trailing off as Muichiro's words sank in. It was a misunderstanding...?

"No, Y/n" Muichiro's voice was gentle and firm, his hands held mine securely as our eyes met. "I'm sorry, it was all because of me. All of this wouldn't have happened if it wasn't because of my ignorance. I will make it up to you Y/n, I promise. Just... please don't leave me again"

In the wake of Muichiro's heartfelt apology, I found myself enveloped in a profound silence, my thoughts swirling tumultuously within me. I remained silent, the weight of his words sinking in as I searched his eyes for sincerity, grappling with the tumult of emotions raging within me.

'Is this real?' I thought to myself

For the first time in what felt like an eternity, I felt truly at ease, knowing that the misunderstandings that had driven a wedge between us had been laid to rest. "But where are the siblings now?"


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