Chapter 21

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Includes spoilers from rengoku gaiden (you can read it free online for more context!)(As this is an AU, the time of events would be slightly altered so their altered age will be:
Rengoku: 19
Mitsuri: 18
Y/N: 18

Third person pov

Kanae and Shinobu stepped into the estate with a worried expression. Y/n noticed and approached them.

"Welcome back! What happened in the pillar meeting?" Y/n asked with a smile.

"The flame hashira didn't come for today's meeting, his son replaced him instead." Kanae sighed.

"Shinazugawa-san created a ruckus in the meeting that made Onee-san really upset." Shinobu added on. "Poor Rengoku-san."

'Rengoku? History teacher Rengoku?' Y/n thought about her history teacher back in the modern world. The loud and enthusiastic soul that she greatly admires.

"Rengoku Kyoujuro?" Y/n's face lit up, excited to hear a familiar name.

"Yes, his mother recently passed away." Shinobu stated, making y/n's smile turn to a frown. "And his father, the current flame hashira isn't coping well. He must be going through a lot at the moment."

"Masters, can I go visit Rengoku-san?"

The siblings looked at each other in confusion and asked. "Why y/n? Are you acquainted with Rengoku?"

Y/n shook her head, "no, but I remember him from somewhere, anyways it's good to make some more new friends!"

It's true, y/n hasn't made any new friends since Muichiro woke up about a year ago, she has completely forgotten about socialising.

Kanae smiled. "Perhaps you're right Y/n. Go on behalf of the butterfly estate, do send a message that we will be here to offer Rengoku-san any help he needs."

Y/n nodded and made her away over with the help of c/n the crow.

~Upon reaching the Rengoku estate~

Y/n stood at the frame of the gate, watching as 3 figures gathered in front of the manor.

One of them is Rengoku-san, wearing the standard demon slayer uniform along with a plain white haori.

Another, with the same features like Rengoku but much younger, assumed to be his brother. He wore a plain white yukata and juban with darker umanori-styled hakama pants.

And the last one being a lady, wearing the female demon slayer uniform with a haori matching Rengoku's. She seemed to be the same age as y/n, with long light pink hair that fades into a lime green, tied into tree braids.

Y/n waited at the front of the gate, waiting for them to notice her presence, meanwhile she listens in to their conversation.

"Onii-chan! Can I please come along!" The younger one pleaded.

"Senjuro, it would be better if you hadn't. Challenging one of the twelve kizuki is dangerous." Rengoku-san replied as he patted his brother's shoulder.

"What about me? Can I come along?" The girl pleaded with sparkling eyes like a puppy.

"Sure you can, you will be able to gain some experience!"

"Onii-chan, someone is looking at us." Senjuro pointed towards y/n.

Y/n's heart skipped a beat. Despite feeling slightly anxious, y/n kept her composure and walked towards them calmly with her hand on her chest.

"Hello there!" Rengoku greeted with his energetic tone. "Who are you and what can we do for you?"

Y/n felt a little let down that Rengoku didn't recognise her, but to be honest, what can she expect?

Y/n bowed and introduced herself. "Hello, I am Y/n L/n, from the butterfly estate, my masters instructed me to visit you."

"Nice to meet you, y/n! My name is Mitsuri Kanroji! But please, call me Mitusri! I am a demon slayer in the mizunoto rank! This is my master, Rengoku Kyoujuro! Son of the current flame hashira!" She hugged onto y/n's arm, making her slightly uncomfortable but she didn't mind as Kanroji seems to be a genuine and nice person. "This is Senjuro Rengoku, his younger brother! Isn't he adorable?"

"No, I'm not!" Senjuro's cheeks flushed red from the compliment.

"It is really nice to meet all of you!" Y/n smiled, "anyways, my masters want you to know that they are willing to offer you any sort of help you need, after knowing the recent events!"

"Thank you! I really appreciate it!"


"Caw! Caw! Demon report! Sighting of Lower moon 2! Sightings of lower
moon 2!" Rengoku's crow announced.

"Goodluck Rengoku-san, Mitsuri-san! Stay safe!"

"Thank you y/n-san, we will chat more when we return alright?" Rengoku said with a reassuring smile.

"If we ever do..."

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