Chapter 30

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Muichiro's pov

I slid open the door to my room to see y/n sitting on my bed, the moonlight shining on her. She looked sleepy, her eyes half open as she leaned back against the wall, her legs crossed and her hands placed neatly on her lap.

"Y/n?" I chuckled as I placed my sword at the corner of the wall, realising that her sword was there too. "Were you waiting for me?"

Y/n nodded and waved her hand for me to come over.

Once I did, she dragged me down next to her and hugged me by my arm, burying her head on my shoulder.

I felt butterflies in my stomach and I was lightly blushing. 'Is she a cat?' I thought to myself.

"I met upper moon 3"

'Nevermind, what the hell.' I deadpanned.

I widened my eyes in shock as my blood ran cold. "Did you fight?"

"Yeah I did."

Then narrowed my eyes as I gently pushed her away from me to look out for any injuries "are you hurt?"

"No." She shook her head. "He didn't fight back, apparently he doesn't fight women."

With an arched eyebrow, I asked "That is really unusual. What else?"

"Apparently he likes me and..." she yawned and laid back on my shoulder before continuing "... wants me to become a demon."

I can feel the veins appearing on my forehead after hearing those words.

"A demon fancies you and wants to turn you into a demon? Tell me more about him, y/n." I said in a serious tone as my hands were clenched tightly into a fist

I could feel her nod as her head rested on my shoulder before she replied "mhm... he... stole my sword. I tried to get it back but then he pulled me to his chest... then I stabbed him! I stabbed him..."

I was waiting for her to continue but she didn't, and just as I expected, she fell asleep.

I sighed as I lay her down on the bed and covered her with the blanket.

'Why is she always so sleepy around me?' I thought.

My hands made their way down to her neck and unbuttoned the button on her collar.

A/n: Okay, stop. It's because... it is uncomfortable to sleep with a tight collar... Okay???

e/n: what are you readers thinkin about huh 👀

But then I noticed something, something was on her neck. I adjusted her clothing so that I could figure out what it was.


A bruise, and it definitely came from that demon.

e/n: a bruise huh 😏

"Muichiro..." y/n whispered as her eyes opened once slightly. "I don't want to become a demon..."

"Don't worry, y/n." I gently patted her head in an attempt to soothe her back to sleep. "You will be fine, promise.

e/n: yall should clean your dirty minds

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