Chapter 28

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Third person's pov

Y/n gazes at the humans walking about in the streets of Tokyo, it is currently nightfall and y/n had just finished her mission. Y/n sits on the roof of one of the many buildings, thinking about the peck that Muichiro gave her and its hidden meaning. However, that has not been the only thing bothering her, everytime she goes on a mission, she feels a presence around her, an unfamiliar and dangerous presence that threatens her. That presence never showed itself, but it is here today.

Y/n sighs and draws out her sword, in a firm tone she demanded. "Come out, now."

Suddenly, from behind her, came a sing-song like whisper "Hello, y/n."

Y/n turns around and swings her sword along with her, her eyes narrowed in annoyance. It didn't manage to decapitate the target, but only scratched its neck, causing blood to flow out in a stream.

"Nice cut." he smirked as his wounds healed in an instant.

Y/n carefully analyzed the demon that has been 'stalking' her, this demon is not just any demon, its upper moon 3.

Y/n tries her best to keep calm as she grips tightly onto her sword in front of her. While the demon playfully smiles at her in amusement.

This thing, this demon has been the presence lurking, the presence troubling her. Y/n tries to piece things together, why this demon has been following her, what does it want?

"Let's not fight, y/n."

'How does this demon know my name? Why doesn't it want to fight?' Y/n thought to herself while making sure that she keeps her cool.


"Breath of time, fourth form: broken glass of a grandfather clock."

The demon couldn't finish what he wanted to say after the sudden disappearance of the e/c eyed girl.

He turned back after feeling a faint presence charging towards her, then the jet black blade jabbed into his neck horizontally, her movements were quick and powerful, at the same time, very familiar.

Y/n's deathly stare sent a chill down his spine as she used all her might to cut through that tough neck.

"You are full of surprises, y/n." The sword managed to cut through his neck, well almost, just that little bit of flesh left... however...

In a split second, the demon managed to hit different parts of y/n's joints, causing her to drop her sword in reflex.

Y/n gasped after realising that she had just lost her weapon.

"As I was saying..." The demon slid the black blade out of its neck slowly while it was slowly regenerating, blood dripped down in a stream as his yellow orbs glared at y/n in a seductive way. "My name is Akaza."

"Breath of time, first form: ticking dash"

Y/n dashes forward, replicating the same exact movements of her attack, however adapting to the fact that she doesn't have a sword, she uses her fist instead, throwing multiple punches at Akaza in an attempt to retrieve her sword back.

A roar of laughter could be heard from Akaza as he deflected all of y/n's punches along the rooftop. "Save it, pretty girl. You won't get your sword back if you don't listen to me!"

"Stop talking." y/n's voice sounded as cold as ice as she gave Akaza a powerful kick, causing him to violently slide across the roof, his back finally hitting the wall of a large building.

Akaza smeared off the blood dripping from his lips curling slightly from one corner.

"Enough is enough, y/n-chan~" Akaza grabbed y/n by her neck and held her in a chokehold.

Y/n nails dug into the flesh of the strong arms that were as hard as a diamond wrapped around her neck.

"L-let go!" Y/n managed to choke out those words. "What do you want? Why don't you just kill me?"

"Kill you?" Akaza loosened his grip around y/n's neck and held her by her arms instead, not allowing her to run or make any big movements as he admired her features. "I wasn't planning to kill a pretty girl like you."

a/n: TEHE

e/n: mom pick me up i'm scared-

Y/n furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and uncomfort. "What the fuck."

"To be honest, y/n-chan. I wanted to kill you when I first saw you about... a week ago..." Akaza's thumb gently rubbed the fabric on y/n's shoulder.

"But do you know why I didn't?" Akaza's mischievous face went up close to y/n, only inches away from hers. Y/n shifted her gaze to a certain star in the sky at the top right corner of her eye and sighed from annoyance which made Akaza pouted from y/n's expression.

"Why?" Y/n asked in an annoyed tone, anticipating for the time she will be able to get out of his awfully tight grip.

"I don't kill women." Akaza smiled as he backed away from her face.

Y/n arched an eyebrow from Akaza's answer. However, Akaza chuckled in response.

"Silly girl, I never wanted to kill you, it was a joke." Akaza slowly loosened his grip around y/n's shoulder and started playing around with her sword.

"Why were you following me around every night?"

Akaza was a little shocked that the girl had noticed his presence while he was stalking her for the past few nights but answered anyway.



e/n: HA you thought

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