Chapter 51

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Muichiro's pov

I left Y/n's room, feeling overwhelmed as the pillars flooded in like a tsunami wave. I made my way back to my estate, exhaustion weighed heavily on my shoulders. Collapsing onto my bed, I buried my head in the pillows with a deep sigh. The events of that fateful day replayed in my mind, each moment tinged with regret.

In the solitude of my room, I took off the Haori Y/n made for me and clenched it tightly, I couldn't shake the feeling of missed opportunities. Will Y/n still give me a chance after... The thought gnawed at me, filling me with a sense of emptiness I couldn't quite shake.

Flashbacks of that night:

I watched from afar as the girl was put in a giant metal cage. Its bars were made of layers of tough metal, it would be impossible to break through. In addition to the large chains tied around y/n's frame, it looked as though they were treating her like some sort of dangerous animal. I clenched my fist in anger.

"Number one rule of being a good boyfriend: always be there for her." An echo of Uzui's voice was heard.

"I will find the truth, and get you out of there, y/n." Just when I said that, our eyes met.

Her e/c orbs met with mine.

She got attacked and disappeared the same night. I failed you Y/n. I could have done so much more to prevent you from suffering that fate but I did not. The guilt of failing her, of not being able to protect her, consumed me like a relentless fire, burning away at my soul.

Clutching the Haori tighter, I vowed to make things right. I would explain myself, unravel the truth, and above all, be there for her. Now that she has returned, no longer would I stand idly by, consumed by regret. I would fight for Y/n, for her safety, for her trust, and for the chance to make amends.

Y/n's pov

As the echoes of the departing pillars faded into the night, I found myself alone in the cold, empty expanse of my room. It was a stark contrast to the lively atmosphere that had filled it just moments ago. With a heavy heart, I sank into my bed, the weight of confusion pressing down on me like a suffocating blanket.

They had seemed genuinely happy for my return, their smiles masking any trace of doubt or hesitation. But how could they welcome me back so readily?

Muichiro's kindness, in particular, weighed heavily on my mind. How could he look at me with such warmth and compassion when I had taken the life of the girl he loved? Did he forget about that?

With a frustrated groan, I buried myself deeper into the sheets, seeking refuge from the onslaught of questions that threatened to consume me. The throbbing ache in my head only served to exacerbate my frustration, a tangible manifestation of the turmoil raging within me.

Sitting up, a decision formed in my mind. Tonight, I will leave. Now that I am finally free from Douma and that creepy spider kid, I must get back on track. To find a way back to the modern world.

When night came, I gathered the stuff in my room. Kanae did not clear away my belongings, she kept them here hoping some day I will return. Before I leave, I glanced down at my hand, the one Muichiro wrapped up. For a moment, I was hesitant. He wanted to say something before the pillars came... Did he want an explanation from me?

I shook my head. No, I was finding an excuse to see him again. There's nothing for me to explain. "The only person that has my heart is Yuki." was clearly what he wanted to say.

Now that all the pillars are off to defend the night from demons. This is the perfect chance for me to leave.

I was confident with my escape. It's dark, I am wearing dark clothes, I can walk quietly too. No one will notice. First stop is to find an inn or a hotel, some place to stay for the night. I wrote a note and left it on my table, it was short and sweet. I slid the door open-

"MUIC-?" I gasped, startled by Muichiro sudden appearance, but before I could say more, he swiftly covered my mouth with his hand, silencing me.

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