Chapter 41

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e/n: yes we alive- just busy with exams 😭😭😭

Mysterious person's pov


I dropped my writing brush and turned back to see the same young girl. Her hair tied into a simple pony and she had a bindle stick packed with her belongings.

"Where are you going?" I stood up immediately and walked towards her, grabbing her shoulders ."Y-you're leaving?"

She nodded and proceeded to wrap her arms around my waist. "I am sorry, I have to leave with Yoriichi Onii-chan."

My eyes widened in disbelief and my hands gently made their way to the back of her head. "But... why?"

"After your mother passed away, our father is going to marry me off, I-I don't want that!" She explained while sobbing.

"Listen! You're his only daughter! He won't send you off! He can't bear to do so!" I tried to reason with her, but it led to no avail.

She loosened her grip around me and hesitantly stepped away, I could see her wiping the away the tear that was sliding down her rosy cheeks.

"I am just like Yoriichi Onii-chan. Oto-san does not love me at all. I shouldn't be here and Onii-chan, there's nothing you could do about it."

It felt like an arrow pierced through my heart when she said that, it really hurts. It hurts that I can't protect my loved one and I can't keep her by my side.

"Don't leave me... please?


✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧

"Slow and steady, Y/n-san! Do not rush!" Nana convinced the impulsive girl.

It has been a month, and y/n is still recovering. However, she was impatient and couldn't wait to sprint like she used to.

The h/c head never stopped trying, today she managed to walk a total of 5 steps without any support!

Well that was worth the celebration until she fell.


"Y/N-CHAN!!!" Nana cried as she failed to catch the falling girl.

Lucky for y/n, she didn't kiss the floor because coincidentally, that man had just returned home.

"I-I-" y/n was speechless from embarrassment.

"No worries, y/n-san. Would you two like to go somewhere?" He asked with a kind smile as he brought y/n to the bed.

"Why, master?" Nana asked, slightly confused.

"Well, y/n-san hasn't been out for a month, it's good for her to get some fresh air and socialise before she forgets about society, hm?" The man suggested.

Y/n chuckled from excitement and nodded without hesitation. This would be the first time out after a long time. And this time, it wasn't for a mission. It was time for her to enjoy some things for herself.

However, deep inside her heart, she wished that a certain black haired boy with mint-green eyes could share this moment with her.

Y/n forced herself to shake that thought aside.

'he loves someone else.'

✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧

"Woah." Y/n was amazed.

Not by how bustling the streets were, but at how rich the owner of the estate that she was staying at is.

The man and his servant lived in Tokyo, near a large street filled with goods, souvenirs and food.

Y/n had been here before, she recalled. It was here where she met Akaza, she didn't know that she would be here again after all the trouble he gave her.. She hoped that he wouldn't be here tonight.

"Y/n-san, you haven't been here before?" Nana asked the girl whose arms and legs were wrapped around the man's back.

The man offered to piggyback y/n around the street, taking her around to see all the stalls and booths. Y/n refused of course, but the man insisted. The man didn't mind though, y/n wasn't that heavy.

Y/n shook her head. "Nope, I haven't. It's so beautiful here!"

Nana chuckled. "Haha, that's great!... I-I will be heading over there!"

With that said, Nana suddenly walked off to one of the booths we passed moments before. It was odd but the two never said a thing.

Y/n could suddenly feel the uneasiness of the man.

"Am I too heavy?" Y/n asked awkwardly.

"Huh?" The man was surprised by her question. "No? You are not difficult to carry."

Y/n was slightly flustered, but she still wanted to be put down. She felt bad.

Coincidentally, she sees a stall that sells traditional Chinese jade tassels.

"Ah... can we go over there? Please?" Y/n pointed to the certain stall.

The man carefully made his way across the crowd to the front of the store.

The store wasn't busy and had no customers. Thus why the salesman immediately stood up to welcome the two.

"Welcome! Welcome! Want to buy some Earrings? You can make some custom ones! Keep them on you and you get good luck!" He promoted with charm.

"Do you or Nana-san have piercings?"

The man shook his head. "Well, I do have piercings but, Nana does not, I don't think she likes them.

Y/n smiled. "Yeah, I will pay you back! Do you want to match?"

The man was confused. "But y/n-san, do you even have piercings?

"I do!" Y/n huffed. "...not. But I plan to get some soon!"

"Uh, well, I don't see why not." The man agreed, still slightly confused. "We will get a pair, custom?"

Y/n nodded excitedly "hm, hm!"

"Oh, one pair of customs then, this young lady will customise them."

"THANK YOU, THANK YOU!" The salesman thanked and proceeded to lead the two into the larger store behind his stall. "THIS WAY PLEASE, THERE WOULD BE A LARGER VARIETY OF BEADS AND COLORS FOR YOU TO CHOOSE FROM!"

The store was peaceful and quiet, with instrumental music playing on an old cd player near the corner of the room. The store was filled with old and unusual antique items, on the walls hung multiple paintings about Japanese astrology and some spiritual stuff that y/n could never understand, but she was still astonished.

The man settled y/n down on a comfortable chair, in front of her was a wooden table with many trays of beads of different colours.

"Here is the manual, miss." The salesman passed y/n a piece of paper with all the instructions on how to customize an earring.

"Take your time, y/n-san. I will go check up on Nana, I'm afraid she got lost." The man turned and wanted to walk out but was stopped when he felt a tug on his sleeps.

"MayI know your name please?" Y/n asked in the most polite tone ever. "It will help me pick out the colours."



"Like the moon? Tsuki-san?"


"Yes, just like the moon."

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