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Dear readers,

Firstly, I would like to thank all the readers that have/are reading my book. I hope that all of you have enjoyed the chapters and will continue y/n-san's journey along with her!

I have been actively publishing chapters every week and have been ensuring that all chapters are creative and interesting. However, it has been 3 months since april of 2022 and I have noticed that I have lost the consistency to write.

Do not get me wrong, readers. I have a lot of ideas in my head on how y/n-san's story will continue, however it is all a blur and need a lot of detailed fixing.

Moreover, I have my own personal commitments and studies that I have to focus on. I will be taking a very important examination soon and I will definitely need to do some prioritising.

I will be taking a short 2 weeks break! Do note that I am NOT DISCONTINUING the book and the next few chapters will be published on 5 August 2022. (e/n: before or after that depending on the time zone you live in)

I hope that all of you will be understanding and I promise to bring forward the next few chapters with more excitement and thrill after the break!





Do know that Author-san works so hard and i can see the amount of effort she puts in when i help her edit all these chapters and speaking of which is a lot and this is very late but-


author-san and i are extremely happy that all of you readers are enjoying this book like how much author-san simps for muichiro-

(which is a lot-)

But moving on... We need this break because the author-san can't write that fast with many ideas running through her head and im a very slow reader/editor that needs to make sense of the entire book with her ideas and whether it goes with the flow so... :/

We need extra time in order to write and edit all new chapters!!

Do be patient with us as we are trying our best to write and edit out as many chapters as possible as well as balancing our schoolwork, revision and studies as well as doing weekly uploads at the same time!


the sleep deprived editor :>

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