Chapter 34

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a/n: the following new characters belong to me

Third person's pov

Lightning flashed, followed by a roar of thunder. Today was the worst night ever. Not only did y/n arrive late to the rescue, it was raining, and it was dark.

"Tsk." the sound Y/n made after the nasty demon's body crawled towards her. It didn't have a head after y/n chopped it off, but it still moved for who knows what reason.

"W-W-WHO ARE YOU?" came a frightened voice from the corner of the room she was in. "Y-YOU KILLED MY FATHER!"

As the h/c head slid her sword into its sheath and turned to the frightened boy with a gentle smile, ready to empathise.

"Hello... Don't worry, I will not hurt you." y/n knelt down to the young boy's level, her hand reaching out to hold him.

But just when y/n was doing that, another head peaked through the small closet.

"O-onii-chan... " It was the shaky voice of a little girl.

Y/n was rather shocked by the sudden appearance of the younger sibling.

"YUKI!" The boy exclaimed, sounding frustrated and annoyed as he pushed his little sister back into the closet. "DON'T COME OUT THE MURDERER IS STILL HERE."

Y/n frowned, slightly confused. 'Murderer...? Me?' Then started waving her hands.

"N-no! I'm not a murderer!"

"YES, YOU ARE! YOU KILLED OUR FATHER!" The boy shouted, as his body blocked the closet, as though protecting it.

"Your father turned into a demon and killed your mother! As a demon slayer, my job is to kill demons... I was trying to save you!" Y/n explained, trying to be as understanding as possible, she wasn't the best with children after all.

"Oi, y/n." Said a voice from behind her. At the door frame stood muichiro, his hand holding onto the blade that is resting on his belt. "I'm hungry, let's get di-"

But he stopped continuing his sentence after noticing the child.

"O-Onii-chan! Let. Me. OUT!"

The closet was forced open from the inside, revealing the young girl.

Muichiro was confused, not by the sudden appearance of another child, but at how she's looking at him in such a weird way.

"Ne, Onii-chan, who are these people? Where is Oto-san? Is he still bullying Okaa-san? Ne!" The young girl shook her brother's shoulders, pleading for an answer before...

"Your mother is dead. She died trying to prevent your father from eating you." Muichiro answered and y/n stood up to smack him.

"Oi! You can't just say that!" Y/n reprimanded.

The two 18 year olds looked towards the young children, unsure of what to do with them.

"What are your names and how old are you guys?" Y/n asked politely with a smile.

"Shiyokiyo Shuji, I am 17 years old. This is my younger sister, Shiyokiyo Yuki, 16." The boy explained as he stood up with his sister to bow.

Y/n's eyes widened with excitement as she just thought of a way to help them.

"Ne, would you like to come along with us?" Y/n asked.

"T-to where?" Shuji questioned.

"Your new home. Shuji-kun."

✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
~1 year later~

Muichiro's pov

"Dreams may not come true." was what I said to myself as me and y/n bring the two adolescents back to her estate. Y/n decided to take them in, take care of them and train them. The younger sister of the siblings was not interested in becoming a demon slayer. Whenever I visit y/n, she would always come to greet me eagerly and cling onto my arm, then I would notice a slight pout on y/n's face. I didn't mind Yuki-chan though, she would often cook for me and talk to me.

A/n: y/n.... Are you jealous?

The older brother on the other hand was a very determined individual, coming from a low class family, the two siblings were malnourished so it took a long time for him to get to a good shape for training. Y/n was very patient with him everyday, she never once lost her cool, however I always did. I don't think it's about his form, his pace of learning, or anything related to swordsmanship. But because of him, I felt that the bond between me and y/n slightly faltered.

It bothered me a lot but I have no idea if I should tell her or anyone. I wasn't sure if I was being reasonable or not. I don't even know why I am feeling this way.

e/n: ara ara~ is muichiro jealous?

"What is troubling you? Tokito Muichiro?" Said a powerful voice.

Gyomei then sat down beside me, his hands still clasped together like a praying buddha. Now, what a coincidence, when I didn't know who to talk to, the perfect man randomly approached. But...

"Gyomei-san, how did you know that I was troubled?" I asked, looking up to the man.

a/n: you know, he is blind-

"Because I do not have the sense of sight, all my other senses are heightened. I could sense that you are envious. Would you like to talk about it?" A faint smile appeared on his face as he faced me.

Envious? Am I jealous?

"Gyomei-san, I don't think I am Jealous." I said.

He chuckled. "Young love, Muichiro-kun, this is a new experience for you."

"What new experience?" Said another voice.

Shinazugawa Sanemi. Y/n's old master.


I looked down, unsure if I want to continue seeking guidance now that this man is here.

"Talking about my little sister huh? Tokito." Sanemi questioned as he crossed his arms.

Little sister? Since when?

Gyomei nodded, "Indeed, we were talking about y/n-chan."

Age note:
Y/n: 19
Mui: 19
Sanemi: 20
Gyomei: 26

"Since when was y/n your s-" I asked, but got cut off immediately.

"Ah Tokito, you fancy y/n-chan don't you? Why don't you tell her?" Sanemi asked. This was the first time he has ever asked me a 'personal' question, tbh.

I stared back at him, unsure of how to answer. To begin with, I was already unsure of my feelings towards her.

"I don't know."

"Come on Tokito, you are 19 now. You are not a kid. You should understand." Sanemi raised an eyebrow at me.

I have never... had any experience with girls. Maybe I did, but I can't remember anything. How am I supposed to know?

I shrugged and answered honestly. "Well she is my best frie-"

"Nah, don't give me bullshit, Tokito." Sanemi shot me a deadly glare.

What is his deal?

e/n: he's just being an overprotective brother aweeeee 🥺

"You know you like her, and you know she likes the man and make the first move. Don't make her wait. Couldn't you tell the signs?"

I was silent. As I try to recall the 'sweet' moments I had with y/n, I started to agree with the hot-tempered man, unaware that my cheeks were burning red in the process.

"Blushing, heh?" Sanemi mocked me and I buried my face in my knees to hide my flushed expression.

"Hey! What's up!" Called a bright voice.

My heart stopped for a moment, please don't tell me it's y/n...

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