Chapter 25

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~8 months later~

Muichiro's pov.

I stood outside the butterfly estate as y/n rushed to get ready. As I was waiting for her, I admired the beautiful butterflies around, the greenery and the flowers. It was so mesmerising. Then I recalled the first time I met y/n. In the garden, on a bench, she came to me with tears and injuries, hugging onto me tightly.

It has been about 2 years, we have grown so much, in strength, bond, and maybe my feelings towards her have developed too.


The sudden kraa from the crow made me snap back from my deep thoughts.

"Oyakata-sama summoned you! Muichiro Tokito! CAW!"

Third person's pov

A grumpy y/n stomps through the snow to meet the Kamado's, picking up sticks from the ground and breaking them into many pieces.

"Stupid mist pillar, couldn't even WAIT for me!" Y/n snaps a twig in her hands and throws it forward in a fit of rage.

"I am a pillar too, okay! It's just not official yet but..." y/n recalls herself slaying one of the lower moon demons a few days ago and receiving a letter from Oyakata-sama for becoming a pillar.

"Whatever" y/n bends down to pick up another twig and snaps it again.

"Your loss for not coming with me! I will have Oba-san's (tanjiro's mom) delicious home cooked food all to myself then!" Y/n throws the twig and bends down to pick another but a blood chilling scent reaches her nose.

She reverts her body back to a stand and stares at the hut about 50 meters away from her.

Y/n dashes forward and in a mere two seconds she reaches the front of the door.

The front of the porch where she first met Tanjuro-san, now has a pool of blood. Y/n's blood went cold when she gazes into the hut.

"Oba-san, Takeo, Hanako, Shigeru, Rokuta..." y/n said in a quivering voice as a chill was sent down her spine. The whole hut was covered in blood and all of the Kamados laid motionless, they were killed.

"Wait... where is Tanjiro and Nezuko?" Y/n mutters to herself after noticing that the two siblings were not in the hut.

Y/n notices a faint tint of red in the snow leading down to a village, she clutches onto her sword and dashes down the slope, with a small sparkle of hope in her heart.

As y/n was making her way down, the blood trail suddenly stopped by a cliff.

Y/n stares down the cliff to see the two siblings on the ground lying unconscious and Nezuko's kimono was stained with blood. However they were not alone. A man with a mismatched Haori was standing in front of Nezuko.

Without hesitation, Y/n jumps down the cliff in an attempt to attack the man, her legs targeting the man's head, but before she reaches him, the man takes a few steps back, causing a huge gust of wind to form, blowing the snow, causing some fog.

Y/n stands up and stares at the man, noticing that he was wearing a demon slayer uniform. His emotionless navy blue eyes stood out from his pale complexion. He stared blankly at y/n, tilting his head slightly from annoyance.

Y/n narrows her eyes as she tries to figure out who this familiar man is. Someone from the modern world.. To-To..... Tomi-...

Y/n forgot. It was the P.E. Teacher that nobody liked, Tommy? American name? Tommy? What. She gave up.

"Who are you?" Y/n asked firmly as she grips onto the handle of her sword.

Ever since Tanjuro passed away, y/n promised to protect the Kamado family, but she failed to do so, they were all killed. But, she will do whatever it takes to protect the last two remaining siblings, her dear friends, they are like family to her, she can't lose them.

"Tomioka Giyuu, water hashira." He spoke in a clear tone and his sharp eyes glared at y/n, slightly intimidating her.

Y/n gulped and thought to herself.
'Oh yeah, It's Tomioka-sensei. Wait shit, i just attempted to attack a hashira, he is a Hashira? What? i'm dead... no wait i'm a hashira too..'

"What were you trying to do to Nezuko?" Y/n pointed to the girl with the blood soaked kimono lying unconscious on the snow.

Tomioka's eyes glanced at the unconscious girl on the floor and back to y/n again.

'Who even is this girl? Is she related to the two siblings?' Tomioka thought to himself as he fidgets with a piece of bamboo on his hand.

"I was going to put on a muzzle for the girl." Tomioka raises the bamboo on his hand to his eye level for the protective girl to see.

"Nezuko does not need a muzzle! She isn't a dog!" Y/n growled.

"You are right, she isn't a dog." Tomioka drops his raised hand and adds on. "She is a demon."

"D-demon? N-nezuko..." Y/n fell to her knees as she turned back to Nezuko. Y/n's trembling ice cold fingers shifted Nezuko's upper lip to reveal razor sharp fangs that were never there before.

"N-nezuko... What happened? No way... Nezuko..." Tears start rolling down Y/n's rosy cheeks.

Suddenly, a hand gripped onto y/n's shoulders and gently pulled her back up to stand, away from Nezuko.

Tomioka supports Nezuko up to sit to tie the bamboo on her while poor y/n cries quietly at the side.

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