Chapter 3

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Y/n's Pov

I was in a dark and empty void, "Muichiro? ...Anyone?" I called out to, but there was no answer. Suddenly in the distance, I saw a figure walking towards me, it was a tall man with a long ponytail, with colours exactly the same as Tanjiro's. His fringe covered the upper part of his face. He wore a red haori with black hakama over an orange kimono and a katana on his hip. On his ears, hung the same pair of hanafuda earrings that tanjiro owns.

"Who are you?" I questioned bravely.

He stared back at me silently, ignoring my question.

3rd person pov

Y/n's eyes snapped open, filled with panic and confusion. Still holding tightly onto Muichiro, the unknown force pushes them back up to the surface. They gasped for air while calling out for each other. They held onto each other as they tried to calm their racing heart rate as they gasped for air.

The lake that they were previously at is currently raining heavily, drenching their already soaked clothes, making them feel colder than how they already felt. Muichiro dragged y/n and himself out of the water, swimming to the shallow part of the lake. Still in confusion, they looked around, desperately searching for shelter and warmth, but as they checked their surroundings, they realized that other than the lake, their surroundings had changed.

The moon shone brighter than before, the lampposts, buildings and houses had all disappeared. Instead they seem to be in a forest-like area where there were many tall trees that were not there before and a small hut that stood out in the middle of this forest-like biome. That was when an old woman came out of the hut with an umbrella. "What are you doing out so late at night???? It's raining heavily and you would catch a cold the longer you stay outside in the rain! Quickly come inside! Come inside!" She said as loudly as she can, with her hand clutching onto a cloth that was wrapped around her.

Muichiro and y/n were spooked by the sudden appearance of the old lady. They decided to trust the lady and ran towards the hut with their heads tilted downwards to avoid any raindrops obscuring their already blurry visions as their hands intertwined each other tightly together.

The old lady handed them two towels. As the old lady prepares two futons on the floor, turning around and facing away from each other, y/n and Muichiro dried themselves using the towel that they gladly accepted, finally letting go of each other.

Muichiro's pov

"Obba-san, you don't have to, we will be heading back home as soon as the rain stops. " I told the old lady after seeing her preparing the futons.

"Oh dearies... No way you guys are going home this late! The demons will eat you!" She warned.

Me and y/n looked at each other. "D-demons?" Y/n said fearfully, grabbing my hand again, squeezing it tight.

Demons are gone long ago though, I thought, until the lady spoke "yes! Demons! They have been here for so long!! Believe me or not, but it's best for you both to stay here for the night! For your own safety..."

We didn't know what to do, but soon the lady went to sleep.

"I don't think I can sleep tonight..." y/n whispered, her eyes wandering around the hut. "I don't feel safe."

"Me too."


Third person pov

It's around 11 pm, and the two were still on full alert. Despite the Old Lady giving off a really positive and warm aura, they did not trust anything around them, other than each other.

Suddenly, there was an alluring scent. It smelled wonderful, almost addicting. The aroma was like a mix of flowers, very sweet, but there was something off about it, it had a tiny metallic smell attached to it.

"CRASH!" Something crashed into the window next to where the old lady was sleeping , it was a huge boulder, about the size of a coffee table? Barely missing the old woman.

"N-no...." the lady wailed and shrank into a corner in the hut, knees tucked to her chest burying her head in them, covering her ears. "Demons, demons, help, demons, demons, demons, please spare me, please don't eat me, demons, demons, SOMEBODY HELP!" she chanted, her whole body shivering uncontrollably.

Y/n quickly grabbed an axe that was conveniently leaning against a wall beside her and passed it to muichiro.

"What about you?" Muichiro asked quietly, wondering what she was going to use to defend herself.

"Don't worry about me."

Y/n stood up and positioned her legs in a fighting stance, Muichiro followed, standing on y/n's left, gripping tightly onto the axe with his two hands and positioning it infront of him. The two prepared for the worst.

It started creeping into the hut, because of the darkness, they couldn't see its features properly. However it has multiple eyes, a malicious glint in the darkness and it never broke eye contact with y/n and muichiro as it crawled onto the window frame.

The old woman got up from the corner and started running for the door, but her head got squashed by the demon's big claws in the mere second before she could take the second step. Her blood and brain splattered all over the hut and onto them too, her headless body collapsed on the floor, Y/n swore she saw the hand twitch. Y/n shut her eyes for a second, before opening them back again, prepard to face the upcoming fight.

"Tasty... Pathetic little children...KEKEKE" The demon laughed and suddenly leaped towards muichiro, baring its fangs and claws with an insane glint in its eyes.

"RUN!" Y/n yelled out as she pulled Muichiro backwards from his shoulders with her left hand and front kicked the demon's head, knocking it backwards and dislocating his jaw, saving the stunned boy.

(Fun fact: Y/n went for karate class to learn to defend herself! She knew it would come in handy someday!... just not a demon...)

After falling on the floor, Muichiro quickly picked himself up and ran for the door, out into the rain again, dragging y/n along with him. They didn't know where they can go but what they know is that they want to get away from the demon, they knew about demons due to the research that they have done for the project, as the sun is far from rising, they know that they couldn't kill it.

"DARN YOU! KANGAROO RASCAL!" The demon cursed while relocating his jaw "BLOOD DEMON ART, CRYSTALISED LUNGS!"

Suddenly both Y/n and Muichiro collapsed on the floor, their hands clenching the uniform on their chest, aching from the pain. Both y/n and Muichiro felt immense pain in their lungs, like many shards are piercing through them.

Endure... endure.. ENDURE!

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