Chapter 55

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A/n: before you read, i recommend listening to some emotional music. Also Akaza spoilers ahead!

Third person's pov


Akaza's arm, which was charging for Rengoku's core, was sliced off before it even touched him.

Both fighters were taken aback by the sudden force that intruded into their battle. "What the hell?" Akaza muttered as he watched his lost arm tumble onto the ground. He regenerated quickly, and his eyes began darting around his surroundings, searching for the intruder. "No way...."

"Ah, Y/n. I owe you my life, comrade!" Despite the searing pain from his lost eye, Rengoku's voice rang out with flamboyant confidence. Y/n stepped forward, aligning herself beside the Flame Pillar, drawing their swords in perfect sync.

"Disappointing." Akaza hissed. "After they left you to die, you return back to working with them? What are you thinking, y/n l/n?"

Y/n shut her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. "Rengoku-san, please step back. I can handle this."

"y/n, are you sure? I can-"

"Please?" Y/n interjected firmly, her eyes opening to reveal a steely resolve. "I will be okay, Akaza will not hurt me."

Rengoku nodded "Of course! I believe in your skills, y/n!" and took a few steps back, staying vigilant and ready to charge back into battle if y/n was in danger.

"I thought you died, you know?" Akaza's face twisted into a mischievous grin. " I was worried about you~"

"No more jokes, Akaza." Y/n shot a deadly glare, a gaze that felt unfamiliar to Akaza. "I should have killed you when we first met."

"Stop acting like we aren't friends, y/n-chan."  Akaza's voice dripped with a mix of mockery and bitterness. "You wouldn't kill me, I was there for you when no one else was. You should be repaying me."

The kamaboko squad and Rengoku were shocked. "Friends?" they gasped in sync.

"OI! YOU PSYCHO STRIPEY MAN, WHAT FRIENDS? Y/N WOULDN'T BE FRIENDS WITH A ZEBRA!" Inosuke bellowed, his boar mask barely containing his wild angry expression.

"Let's think of how you can repay me." Akaza teased. Before Y/n could speak, Akaza dashed towards her and placed his hand on her cheek, gently caressing it. "Maybe you can convince Kyojuro to join you in becoming a demon?"

Y/n brushed his hand away firmly, holding back tears that were beginning to form in her eyes. "No."

Akaza's eyes narrowed, his patience waning. "Then. Get. Out. Of. My. Way, Y/n. Let me do my job." He lunged forward, attempting to bypass her, but Y/n blocked him with her sword, the blade stopping inches from his face.


Akaza growled in frustration and tried to move past her again, but Y/n stepped in his path, her sword flashing as she held her ground. "What is your problem? Taking advantage of the fact that I don't hurt girls, huh? I thought we were friends. I thought you understood. I thought you were different."

Y/n's resolve did not waver, even as she fought to hold back tears. "It doesn't matter who I am, Akaza. Friend or foe, I have to stop you."

Their battle erupted in a flurry of motion, their movements a deadly dance. Akaza was careful not to hit Y/n, his strikes precise but restrained. Y/n, however, was relentless, determined to protect her friends.

"I can't believe you went back to those stupid demon slayers! After they left you to rot and die. " Akaza's voice was filled with rage and disappointment as he struck out at Y/n, only to have his blow parried effortlessly. "First, you rejected my offer. Then now you are choosing them over me?"

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