Chapter 24

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Y/n's pov


It's midnight and I just slayed a demon lingering around the mountains near a village. It was snowing, it has been a long time since I had fun in the snow. For the past year I have been living within the butterfly estate and it never snowed until now, I guess I'm lucky.

I kept my sword in its sheath and left the demon to turn to ash on its own. It was snowing gently, the moon shone brightly, the perfect time to be alone. As I walked on the snowy covered ground, I noticed a house nearby, with a few dim lights.

I was automatically drawn to it, like a moth to a flame. I walked over carefully, ensuring that I would not lose my footing from the snow.

I wonder who lives there?

At the front porch of the house sat a man, he looked too similar to Yoriichi-sama, he even wore the same hanafuda earrings as him. He was peacefully gazing at the falling snow, his eyes showing great kindness and compassion.

I stared blankly at the man, unsure of what to say.

So he spoke instead, "Hello, what can I do for you today?"

"I- um... There was a demon nearby." I pointed to the direction that I came from and the man tilted his body to look over.

"Oh I see, you killed it. Are you injured?"

I was in disbelief, how can someone not be afraid when there are demons around their house?

"I think you should worry more about yourself, I am a demon slayer." I said in a serious tone, thinking that the man was oblivious and unaware of the dangers around him.

"Yes I know, You are really strong!" The man complimented me with a smile.

Unbelievable, "who are you?" I asked the mysterious man.

"My name is Tanjuro Kamado, I live with my wife and children in this house. What about you?"

"M-my name is Y/n L/n, it is a pleasure to meet you Kamado-san." Y/n bowed down gracefully.

"Y/n, have we met before?"

I thought for a moment, he did look like Yoriichi, but he isn't. So I shook my head with my furrowed eyebrows and asked "why?"

"You remind me a lot of my ancestors... the aura you emit."


"Kamado-san, I believe we are not related. However, those earrings remind me of something too, may I know where you got them?" I pointed to my ears as a mirror gesture.

"These earrings have been passed down through generations and generations, when the time comes, I will pass them down to my eldest son."

Suddenly something struck me.

Tanjuro Kamado... Tanjuro Kamado. That last name is so familiar... Kamado... Kamado... Kamado Tanjiro! Their names are even similar.

"Kamado-san, what is your son's name?"

Before he could answer, the door behind him slid open, revealing two teenagers.

Nezuko and Tanjiro.

"Oto-san, why a-" the redhead stopped talking after he noticed my presence, he stared at me for a moment before turning back to his father.

"Oto-san, I am sorry for interrupting. Let's go back in, Nezuko!" He apologised and turned back into the house with Nezuko.


The boy turned back to his father with a confused expression on his face.

My heart stopped. Tanjiro... Nezuko... my friends! Tears started forming from the corner of my eyes but I tried my best to hold it in. I don't expect them to remember me but seeing them here really relieves me, I can't cry infront of them. I can't tell them what happened. If I did, they wouldn't understand, it would have been weird.

"This is Y/n L/n, a visitor, why don't you introduce yourselves? Tanjiro, Nezuko."

"Yes! Hello! My name is Tanjiro Kamado, this is my little sister Nezuko! We have more siblings in the house, but they have all fallen asleep with our mother!" Tanjiro walked up towards y/n with his hand to shake mine.

I shook it with a sad smile, not noticing that a tear was sliding down my cheek.

"Konichiwa! Y/n-san! Y-y/n-san? Eh? Why are you crying?" Nezuko placed her hand on my back, gently patting me.

Yep. I failed to hold it in.

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