Chapter 47

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Third Person's Pov


Upon hearing the sudden sound of ceramic breaking, she quickly dashed into the kitchen where Nana said she would be and was careful to not worsen her injury.

She had removed her cast. However, she must be cautious and slowly get use to walking normally again. Her legs were fragile and more prone to sprains if she exerted herself too much.

The evening sun shone dimly into the kitchen as y/n slides open the shoji doors, revealing pieces of crystalline little shards of the beautiful flower-patterned ceramic bowl that she used for her meals. Beside those pieces, she saw the kneeling woman she was looking for.

"N-nana-san??" She called in a shaky voice, horrified at what she had seen.

Nana-san was holding a shard from the broken bowl... at her neck. Her grip was so tight, the edges were piercing into her hand, causing blood to slowly drip down her arm and onto the floor.

"NANA-SAN, STOP!" She yelled as she threw herself forward, knocking the shard on Nana-san's hands away.


"Nana-san, What were you thinking? A-are you okay?" She gripped onto the shoulders of the woman, tilting her left and right to check for any injuries.

Thankfully, the shard had not reached her neck, except from being covered in the blood that bled from her own hands, Nana was alright.

She looked up to the woman and noticed that tears were forming from the corners of her eyes. Nana was afraid, she was feeling very miserable.

"Answer me! Why?" Y/n demanded.

"I-I can't live like this anymore... y/n this place isn't safe!" Nana cried.

"What do you mean? This place is alright...?"

"No! It is not! Monsters, demons, spirits! This place is haunted! Master is haunted!" She explained while waving her hands frantically in the air.

"M-master is what?? Nana, please make more sense!"

"Ever since Master came back from his business from afar... he had changed. Madam and the young masters disappeared and he did nothing! He showed no concern! He also treated me differently. He used to be kind and benevolent... but now he became cruel and cold!"

"But although he may not act that way, it is only a show, it was all a show just for you to see."

Y/n took her time to process this, she hid her emotions away, is this the truth? "Is he... crazy?"

"I- I don't know! Ever since he came back to this house, I always feel like something is watching me! And when you arrived the feelings became even stronger!"

"I-It's haunting me! I can't live like this! I can't escape either! So I wanted to die!"

"Nana-san! Don't say that. Listen, I was a demon slayer, whatever demon or spirit that is causing you unease, I can get rid of it!" Y/n reassured. "I-I believe Tsuki is just... crazy. But he did many things for me! He saved me! I can't just leave him, let me say goodbye and I will take you away! Alright?"

While sobbing, Nana nodded.

They quickly grabbed their belongings and left. Knowing how Tsuki works in the village, they decided to take a shorter route in the woods to reach a hotel that they could temporarily stay in for the night. As they made their way through the tall trees, the sky became darker and they started to regret their decision to take a short cut.

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