Chapter 16

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A/n: dear editor please make this chapter as beautiful as possible
E/n: yes yes of course dear author-san thats what im here for-

time to do my job:>

Third person's pov

The two sat before the waters in silence, with the same question in mind.

"Should I tell him/her about what I just saw?"

They decided against it.

Y/n sighed, she knew that Muichiro must have been so confused, she needed to apologise for her actions, but before she could say a word, a warm hand was placed on her shoulder.

"I understand what you're feeling, y/n." Muichiro's gentle hands turned y/n's shoulder for her to face him. The end of his fringe dripping with water, his eyes observing the facial features of y/n, watching her every action, trying to predict her reaction.

'What?' Y/n thought as her eyes widened in disbelief.

Muichiro gulped "The night after the final selection, you were alone in your room. I heard all of it."

Y/n gasped as she recalled what had happened.


Y/n sat against the door, her hands gripping onto her hair in anger and anxiety.

"I want to go home... Why am I here? This all wouldn't have happened if I was more careful! If I hadn't pulled Muichiro with me, he wouldn't be here too, he wouldn't have lost his memories. This is all my fault." Y/n cried to herself as she hid her face in her knees.

"Y/n, I don't blame you, even if I get my memories back, I won't ever blame you. Nonetheless, you shouldn't blame yourself, I am sure it was an accident." Muichiro cupped y/n's face with both of his hands, his words causing y/n to shed more tears.

"Y-you were there?" Y/n stuttered in embarrassment and averted her gaze from Muichiro to hide her burning cheeks.

"B-but I-" She turned her head back in an attempt to explain but Muichiro hushed her by covering her mouth.

"Shh, don't worry. You don't have to explain, just know that I will always be here for you." Before y/n could continue, Muichiro wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close.

Y/n's heart skipped a beat and there were butterflies in her stomach. This is the second time Muichiro hugged her and it felt amazing.

Muichiro's words and actions made y/n feel at ease, something that not anybody else could easily do. The words of instant relief, care and compassion, made y/n sigh in awe as she returned the hug.

The wind blew, the nearby ginkgo trees rattled and swayed, causing the marigold yellow leaves to fall as autumn approaches.

Tears formed at the corners of y/n's beautiful e/c eyes...again, y/n feels blessed to have Muichiro with her, to protect her, support her and care for her.

"I-I am sorry for pulling you into the lake Muichiro! I am so sorry!" Y/n apologised after recalling about the desperate and stupid thing she did earlier.

"Mhm, mhm, it's okay, it's okay..." Muichiro fingers ran though y/n's soaked hair in an attempt to soothe her.

Soon the sniffling from y/n stopped and her body was still, completely relaxing on Muichiro, leaving him confused.

"Y/n?" He whispered softly as he gently grabbed onto her shoulders and pulled her away from the hug.

Y/n fell asleep. It was one of the most precious memories of y/n that Muchiro would never forget and it made his usually stoic face break out into a small smile filled with adoration.

(e/n: you wished this were you right author-san~ *suggestive face* HAHAHAHA okay bye-)

"Pfft" Muichiro chuckled softly before carefully sweeping her up into his arms to take her back home.

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