Chapter 53

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Third person's pov

Y/n's thoughts were a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, swirling around her mind like a tempest. She absentmindedly stroked the feathers of her white crow, c/n, seeking comfort from the familiar touch. Y/n was unsure of what she should feel. Disappointed? Disappointed by the fact that the boy she trained with all her heart could not become the Tsuguko she wanted him to be, or disappointed by the fact that they tried to kill her? Being immersed in her thoughts, the soft knocks coming from her door were left unheard.

The door slid open and the boy with the teal-tipped hair peeked in carefully. Muichiro's heart ached at the sight of y/n, sitting so forlornly on the edge of her bed. He hesitated for a moment, taking in the scene before him. The morning light highlighted her weariness, making her look even more fragile than he had ever seen.

Muichiro admired her silently, the way her resolve seemed to flicker but never entirely extinguish. Seeing her like this, vulnerable and lost, stirred something deep within him. Taking a deep breath, he stepped into the room with light and cautious footsteps. "Y/n," he called softly, hoping not to startle her. "I am coming in"

"Muichiro!" Y/n greeted with a bright smile, happy to see her favourite boy. The heaviness in her heart lifted slightly from just the sight of him. She gently scooped c/n (crow's name) from her lap and directed the crow towards her window, watching it spread its wings and fly off to the morning sky.

Muichiro stepped further into the room, closing the door behind him. "Are you okay? What are you thinking about?" He asked with concern.

Y/n's smile softened and she patted the space next to her on the bed, signalling for him to come sit with her. "I am fine... I was just thinking about what you told me." she answered.

As Muichiro took a seat beside her, she explained herself. While she talked, Muichiro remained silent, unsure of what to say but offering his presence as a quiet support.

"It's good to see you, Muichiro. It's good to have you here with me." Y/n added, her voice soft and sincere. "That's all I need."

Her words caused Muichiro to blush, a warm flush spreading across his cheeks. He averted his gaze for a moment, feeling a mix of embarrassment and gratitude. Gathering his thoughts, he finally looked back at her with a gentle smile. "I'm glad I can be here for you, y/n"

They paused for a moment, their gaze locked as though they were searching for something in each other's eyes, perhaps a feeling they shared but had yet to fully understand. The room was filled with a quiet, almost tangible tension, unspoken emotions hanging in the air between them.

"Y/n, there's something I-" Muchiro hesitated, the words catching in his throat. He knew that there was a lot on Y/n's mind and he didn't want his feelings to become a burden for Y/n.

"You...?" Y/n tried to probe gently, her eyes filled with curiosity, eager to know the next few words. Could it be something she had been wanting to hear?

Muichiro swallowed hard before changing the topic. "I wanted to tell you that the pillars are waiting for you at the main estate, they have something planned for you."

"Oh, um..." Y/n replied, disappointment evident in her expression but she still managed to force a smile. "Then we must head there right now, right?"

Muichiro paused for a moment and nodded in agreement.

As the pair walked side by side to the estate together, their fingers occasionally brushed against each other's, sending a gentle warmth through their fingertips. Each accidental touch sent Muichiro's heart racing, while y/n felt a flutter in her chest. Muichiro stole glances at Y/n, his mind repeating the words he wanted to say. 'Is it right for me to tell her I love her?'

Y/n, on the other hand, tried to focus on anticipating what the pillars would be preparing for her, though her mind kept drifting back to the unfinished conversation. 'What did Muichiro want to say?' She thought to herself. Was it something she had longed to hear, or was she delusional?

They approached the venue and were greeted by a familiar face.

"Y/n-san! Tokito-Kun! You guys finally made it!! Come, Come! There's loads of yummy food inside!!!" Kanroji exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement. She locked arms with Y/n's and brought her in, while Muichiro followed behind and watched Y/n smile brightly

Inside, the room was filled with warmth and laughter. The table was filled with dishes, the aroma of which filled the air, the sight and smell made Y/n and Muichiro's stomach growl. The pillars had gathered to celebrate Y/n's return, but to her it felt like an apology. She accepted it anyway. All is forgiven.

As they ate and chatted, Y/n couldn't help but notice the absence of a particularly vibrant presence. "Where is Rengoku-san?" She asked while looking around the room.

"Rengoku-san went on a mission with Tanjiro, Nezuko, and their friends. He wanted to be here, but the mission was urgent." Shinobu responded.

"It's not the same without Rengoku-san here..." Y/n frowned, but in an instant, her eyes lit up again, like she was a lightbulb that was just switched on. "Then I will GO to Rengoku-san!"

"Eh???" The pillars exclaimed in unison, their voices a mixture of surprise and concern.

"If I go and help them out. They can finish their mission faster and come back to celebrate. I am going." Y/n the stubborn girl has decided and there is no way of convincing her otherwise, (deep inside she has been craving some action after resting for weeks!)

"No, Y/n." Muichiro's hand instinctively grabbed Y/n's. "You can't. You haven't fully recovered yet. It is too dangerous for you."

"Muichiro," Y/n brushed off Muichiro's hand and patted his shoulder. "I will be fine, I can protect myself. I know what I can handle and I promise I will keep a distance when It gets too much."

"Come on, she's got the spirit, man!. Y/n was a former pillar, sure she will be fine. I support!" Uzui, longing nearby with a smirk, interjected. "She can handle herself, Tokito-kun. Y/n is stronger than you think!"

Words that were meant to reassure Muichiro only heightened his worries.

Before anyone could stop her, Y/n slipped out upon receiving intel of her friends' location from her crow.

Frustrated, Muichiro grabbed his sword intending to follow y/n to keep her safe but was stopped gently by Oyakata-sama, who had been observing in the corner of the room. "Muichiro," he began, his voice calm but firm.

The jovial atmosphere among the pillars, who had been laughing and talking about y/n, glad to see her returning to her usual active self, adruptly shifted to one of solemnity and respect for their master. Their expression shifted from amusement to seriousness.

"O-oyakata-sama, Y/n, she- I need to-" Muichiro attempted to explain, his voice trembling with urgency.

"I understand your worries, Muichiro." The master reassured gently. However, with a single glance, the master's demeanor shifted, and the pillars instinctively gathered before him, recognising the significance of the situation. "Besides," he continued, his voice taking on a weighty seriousness. "We have more important matters to discuss that concern Y/n."

A/n: Helloo, i've been thinking if i should rewrite this story? Or should I just continue? Tbh im not sure if I want to continue this, a part of me wants to but another part of me is too lazy. Let me know, thank you for reading <3

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