Chapter 6

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Third person's pov 

As Y/n trailed after her master, she had a bad feeling in her gut that something bad is about to happen but she pushed that thought aside and concentrated on not losing her master while controlling her breathing.

When Y/n has finally reached the village  Kanae was assigned to,the moon was directly above the sky, she immediately felt that something was wrong but couldnot pinpoint what was. She scanned her surroundings and realised that Kanae was nowhere to be found.

Y/n was lost.

Y/n tried looking around her to find any evidence of which direction Kanae went but could not find anything. The village at night was like a ghost town. So silent that one can hear a pin drop a mile away. 

Y/n who was conscious of her surroundings, kept looking left and right for any signs of life in this ghost town. She felt an eerie vibe when she stepped foot into the village.

The more Y/n kept moving deeper into the village central, the more she felt that something was wrong. Y/n stayed alert and heightened her senses to try and locate the roots of her problem when she suddenly heard clashing sounds against each other…

Y/n broke into a sprint towards the direction of the sound. When she saw her master on the ground surrounded by a pool of blood. Her own blood.

Her E/C orbs widened when she saw this, burning with hatred and rage. Her shoulders shook in disbelief as she slowly walked towards her master lying on the ground. A glint caught her eyes as she saw a sword lying next to what seems to be a corpse of a dead demon slayer. She bent down and picked up the sword. Silently staring at it, looking up and walking to her master…

"Fight the urge to close your eyes. Hold on for me, for Shinobu, for the butterfly girls, Kanao. We can't imagine a world with you gone…Master..Please stay awake and watch as I avenge you." Y/n tears a piece of her newly bought haori to tie kanae’s injury in an attempt to stop the bleeding.


Y/n slowly stood up from her crouched position and turned to face the monster that caused harm to her beloved master with her head down, refusing to look at the monster afraid that her emotions will get the better of her.

"Oh? What's this? Ara~ ara~ another beauty has appeared before me! NeNe, what's your name? I'm Douma!" The monster introduced himself with a wide smile seeming ignorant of the rage burning within the girl standing infront of him, rainbow orbs clashing with rage filled E/C orbs.

The girl with E/C orbs standing in front of him gripped her sword tightly as she stared into the eyes of the monster named Douma with deep hatred. She took a shaky breath as she watched his movement with narrowed eyes.

"NeNe, why won't you answer me? What's your name, sweetheart?" Douma pouted as Y/n ignored him.

The more questions Douma threw at Y/n, the more agitated she felt.

Y/n felt her eye twitch as she stared at Douma. Throwing a forced innocent smile at Douma, she opened her mouth and said "Shut up this instance. You have no right to talk after doing such a monstrous thing to my master! You disgusting piece of shit!"

Douma pouted as he felt his right eye twitch. "How could a pretty lady say such vile words? Especially to a handsome man like me?"

Feeling insulted, Douma tried to redeem himself by saying "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that. I can spare you if you leave your master behind for me to eat. How about that?" Douma smiled widely, like a kid that just got his birthday present.

Y/n, feeling disgusted, stared at him in total disbelief. "What nonsense are you talking about? I will never betray my master and let her be eaten by a disgusting vile creature like you."

Douma, having heard enough, immediately made his first move. 

Y/n's pov

In a blink of an eye, Douma disappears. He disappeared and reappeared before me. I felt my eyes widen at how fast he was. My body refused to move.

 It felt numb. 

I was forced to shut my eyes when a huge gust of cold wind blew directly towards me. I felt a cold hand punching me backwards and felt my mouth opening to let out an ear pitching scream. 

The pain in my chest was so intense that I had to take slow and short breaths so as to not agitate my injured lungs.

At this point my ears were bleeding, my eyes were bloodshot. I could not make out anything in front of me in a 2 meter radius. Everything was blurry but I fought the pain to keep myself concentrated on why I am here in the first place.

A scream caught my attention. It was master. 

“NO! Y/n, run! Save yourself! Leave me!”


“Quick go get help, we need back up immediately!” I ordered Kanae’s crow that was near the fight scene as I observed the fight.

“Yes, yes immediately!” It flew off cawing away.

I felt my eyes widen in disbelief.

'Master… How could you say such words? I can't just leave you here to get eaten by this poor excuse of a demon.. If this carries on then maybe I could sacrifice my life for her survival? Who am I kidding, the moment I'm dead there's no telling if this demon will eat my master..I guess I just have to hold on until help comes..'

My mind was racing at the speed of light. Finally, I had made the decision to hold on for as long as I could until help arrived. 

If help is even on its way…

"Ara ara~ I would prefer it if outsiders kept their mouths shut. Or does this pretty lady need help with it?" a wide, maniacal grin appeared on his face as a crazed glint was reflected on his eyes with the moon's reflection, reflecting the kanji words: Uppermoon 2.

Douma started walking towards Kanae slowly like a predator and its prey as she tried to drag herself away from him. 

“A female, and a hashira, top tier food for me!” He happily sang. 

Suddenly, there was a voice…

Move, fight. Even if you think you can’t, you must.

Y/n pushed herself back up to a stand, trying to control her emotions and charge up enough energy for this next move. 

“Breath of wind, first form: Dust Whirlwind Cutter!” 

Y/n dashes forward to douma at immense speed and slashed in a horizontal cyclone pattern. It made Douma jump back, with a large cut on his face that healed quickly. 

“Don't you dare lay your filthy fingers on my master.” Y/n said sternly with her hands gripping on the sword, she went into a battle stance in front of Kanae. 

“Ah, you are a loyal puppy aren’t you? Listen, your master is suffering from the pain, I can end it quickly with just one more blow! Now stop being annoying would you?” Douma faked a smile at Y/n. 

Y/n notices that the sky is slowly getting brighter, it’s dawn, the sun is coming up! 

“Why don’t you give yourself a blow? That will stop causing the sufferings of more innocent lives? Am I right?”

“Did you just ask me to kill myself?” Douma glared at y/n. 

“Yes, I just did, and if you don’t, the sun will.” 

Douma shifted his attention to the sky and groaned loudly.

“Darn, I just wasted my time.” He said before blowing a huge gust of wind and disappearing.

Soon in the distance, shoutings could be heard.




Editor’s note: im being killed here for making this longer but totally worth it:>

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