Chapter 22

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Third person's pov
"It has been two days, Rengoku-san and Mitsuri-san should be back by now." Y/n tried to calm herself down, her first friends after a long time, they have to return safely.

As y/n walks towards Rengoku's estate, she notices a familiar figure sitting at the front gate.


"Y-Y/n-san!" Senjuro stood up and greeted her.

Senjuro had an uneasy look on his face.

'Did something happen? Rengoku and Mitsuri didn't make it? What happened? Did they die?' Y/n's instilled overthinking caused panic to overtake her rational feelings.

"What happened? Why are you sitting here?" Y/n forced a smile and bent down slightly to meet his eyes.

"Onii-chan and Mitsuri-san have not returned! So I was waiting for them! I am just really worried..." Senjuro frowned and dipped his head down.

"Ah... don't worry, Senjuro-kun!" Y/n gently placed her hand on his head and gently ruffled his soft golden hair. "You must believe in your Onii-chan! He is so strong! Of course he will return! And look at how much potential Mitsuri-san has! Don't think too much."

"You are right y/n-san..." Senjuro lifted up his head again to see y/n's gentle smile, soon behind her, two silhouettes can be seen walking towards them, with crutches and bandages. "...y/n-san, Y/n-san! Look!"

Y/n turned around to see Rengoku-san supporting himself on crutches and Mitsuri-san excitedly waving her hand in the air.

Senjuro immediately ran towards his brother and friend, they held each other close and cried, relieved to see each other again. The heartwarming sight made y/n heave a sigh of relief.

'They returned.'

"Rengoku-san! I want to congratulate you in advance for finally becoming a Hashira! Great work out there!" Y/n cheered.

"Thank you, y/n-san!"

Y/n gulped and gathered her courage.

"Uhm... Rengoku-san, Mitsuri-san, Senjuro-kun..."

The three looked confused and waited for her to continue.

"You see, I only have one friend and I am trying to make more friends so I-"

"Oh you want us to be your friends?" Mitsuri interrupted.

Y/n's eyes widened in shock, how did she know? Was it that obvious? Y/n awkwardly nodded.

"Of course y/n! We would love to be your friend!"

Y/n's smile was like a sudden beam of sunlight illuminating the darkest corners of the room, causing them to shield their eyes.

"Thank you guys! I am so happy!"

"Y/n, why don't you join us for dinner tonight? I will do the cooking!" Senjuro suggested.

Y/n happily nodded and Mitsuri immediately dragged her inside the estate while overwhelming her with a bunch of questions.

"Y/n we should go on an outing! Where would you want to go?"

"Y/n you should introduce your friend to us too!"

"Y/n, what is your favorite food? Mine is sakura mochi!"

"Y/n, what is your favorite colour? By the way I love the haori that you are wearing!"

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