Chapter 19

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Third person's pov

"Are you okay?" Muichiro asked as he reached a hand out for her to grab.

"I'm fine, thanks." Y/n held onto his hand and he pulled her back up to a stand.

"All of you useless rats! Deal with the boy! I will deal with the girl! Let's have a girl to girl 'talk'!" She laughed maliciously.

Y/n grips her sword tightly and dashes towards the stage getting close enough to the demon's face.

"DIE! Get away! You ruined my dinner! Blood demon art: Aphrodite's wrath!"

Soon, the demon's long dark hair began to grow rapidly and move at will, launching attacks at y/n, trying to grab her, hit her and crush her but y/n managed to cut them all up before a single strand of hair touched her.

"Eating humans are so gross! Eating innocent babies and children are even worse! What did they even do to you? Do you even have any remorse?" Y/n questioned, her face morphing into a look of disgust.

"Who cares? As long as I remain youthful and beautiful, It doesn't matter!" The demon boosted as she looked into a mini mirror in her hands

"Does life even have any meaning to you? Do you even have a life? All you care about is your beauty more than the beauty of life itself! You in my eyes are a hideous monster inside out!" Y/n yelled in frustration.

The demon's eyes widened in shock, she had heard those words before, memories, but they were not hers, they belonged to the demon king, Muzan Kibutsuji.

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP! YOU DON'T GET TO LECTURE ME, YOU STUPID BRAT!" The demon threw the mirror on the floor in anger, causing it to shatter. " HOW DARE YOU INSULT ME, BLOOD DEMON ART: CUPIDS AIM!"

Different shards of large glass formed behind her and together with her annoying hair, they charged straight at y/n.

Y/n closed her eyes and took a deep breath, as the shards came close, y/n forced her body to dodge every attack, careful to not get hurt.

The demon gasped when she realized how familiar y/n's movements were, the man in Muzan's memories, the man that frightened and traumatized Muzan, this girl's movements were just like his. And in the blink of an eye, y/n was right in front of her.

"Breath of time, first form: ticking dash." Y/n swiftly slashes off the demon's head before she could process what happened.


Her head fell and rolled on the floor facing y/n's boots.

(A/N: Clearly cupid couldn't aim)

"Have fun in hell, you self-obsessed monster." Y/n chuckled and ran to help Muichiro, leaving the monster to slowly turn to ash.

Demon's pov (Rose-sama, OC by Author)

Self... obsessed... monster?

This girl reminded me of so many things, but these memories do not belong to Muzan-sama. They are mine.

I was the most beautiful girl in this village, I was a fashion model, everyone adored me, especially myself. I would wake up every morning and the first thing I see would be a mirror. I loved myself so much that I didn't love others.

But I had a husband, and a kid. My husband loved me dearly but I never appreciated it, I was too into myself. One day, I got pregnant. During and after my pregnancy, I looked really unattractive due to hormonal changes and I hated it. I hated how I looked, and I blame this on my husband and my child. My husband never stopped loving me even when everyone else started to dislike me, but I could never understand.

I argued with my husband about my looks. I hated him. I hated what he made me look like. I hated our child.

"How can you feel that way about our child? Do looks really matter? Is that how you even view the world?"


My husband held our child close and teared up in a corner as I wrecked our house in frustration.

That night, I stabbed my child to death but my husband caught me and I killed him too.

I remember his last words.

"You are a self-obsessed monster."

I felt no remorse back then, I was just thinking of how I could clean up this mess, then that man appeared. Muzan-sama offered to turn me into a demon, with the terms that I can stay beautiful forever.

After the transformation, the hunger caused me to consume both my husband and child, and that was how I started liking the flesh of children and babies, ever since then, I started turning more women into demons, offering them the ability to stay beautiful forever and many of them accepted of course.

These are my dying thoughts aren't they? I've been a demon for many years and I couldn't remember anything until now.

Looking back now, I guess I can agree.

I am a self-obsessed monster.

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