Chapter 33

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Muichiro’s pov

“Y/n? Y/n?” After I passed out in the bin, I ended up here, an odd and dark place, it doesn’t feel real, I have no clue where I was.

‘Did y/n bring me here? No, why would she? Y/n, where are you?’ That was what I thought before I heard.






I made my way to the water source carefully, it was really eerie and I couldn't wait to leave, but the thing is, how?

After taking a few steps I noticed a puddle of water, soon a drop created a tiny ripple. However this… liquid didn't look like water. I bent down to observe it, red… a little thick. it was obviously blood.

Who does this blood belong to?

I looked up to the origin of the bleeding source and my soul left my body.

She wasn't wearing her haori anymore, her uniform was stained with blood, her own blood, she was in a horrible condition, wounds all over. Her body was tied to a pole, completely mobilised and she had a mouth fold on, sealed tight with a piece of cloth that is also stained with blood.

Her eyes bore no emotion, it's like she had been there for months, her hair was messy.

"Y-y/n…" I tried to call out to her after realising that I couldn't move a muscle, I didn't understand what was going on.

"I promised the them to 'look after' you." A voice came from the darkness.

"However, there are many demon slayers around the mountain tonight, so I won't be with you." As he talked, he started to fade out of the darkness, surprisingly, he was a young boy, a demon. 

"So," He aggressively grabbed her cheeks, making y/n wince from the pain.

Whoever this is, I can't see his face, once I get to move, I will get rid of him, I swear.

"Behave yourself. Or else, when I come back…" His hands made its way to Y/n's throat and slowly started to squeeze, suffocating her.

Muffled struggles escaped from y/n's sealed mouth as she fought for her life.

He will kill her.

He will kill her.




I gasped as my eyes shot open to see the relievingly familiar white ceiling.

'It was just a nightmare.' I told myself. I was sweating all over and it felt really uncomfortable but to be honest, it still felt so good to be here.

"Muichiro? Are you okay?" Said a voice I long to hear.

"Did you have a nightmare? Did I eat you up or something? You were screaming 'Y/N! NO! Y-'" her words were cut off by me suddenly pulling her down to a tight hug.

A/n: alright y/n-chan, do not worry about discomfort! You are sitting on the bed! It won't be difficult for you to stay in Mui's arms!

Third person's pov

"Woah… hey… " Y/n was lying on Muis chest as he had his arms around her, tugging on her tightly. 

His heart was pounding and his breathing was shaky and it really made y/n wonder what exactly happened in that nightmare. 

"It was just a nightmare, it isn't real, okay?" Y/n smiled as her hand gently patted his chest, for a moment she felt like a mom comforting a scared child.

"I thought I lost you." Muichiro shut his eyes tight as he recalled that horrifying image that will be stuck in his head for a long time.

"No, no, I am right here! Don't worry!" Y/n said in an enthusiastic and reassuring tone, hoping to lift the spirits of the boy. "Urh… If you want to, we can talk about it."

Y/n then heard some ruffling of the fabric from the pillows, assuming that it was Muichiro shaking his head, she decided to not push him into opening up but stay and comfort him instead.

The two sat in a comfortable silence, y/n was listening to Muichiro's heart rate slow down while he was peacefully playing with strands of her hair. The tranquil atmosphere caused the two 'best friends' to eventually lose track of time doze-off quietly.

"Ara~ aren't they just adorable…" Kanae whispered in awe as she gently placed her haori over y/n's shoulder.

"Onee-san… don't disturb them!" Shinobu whispered and aggressively (but quietly) dragged her sister out of the room. 

“Aww… Shinobu-chan! Just a little while more~”

~Hours later~

“Y/n-chan~! Are you sure there is nothing going on between you and Tokito-kun? Hmm?” Kanae wrapped her arms around y/n’s, repeating the question that she has been trying to clarify.

“N-NO! Onee-san…!” Y/n whined as she tried to shake off her sister, her face steaming red from embarrassment. 

After Muichiro fell asleep, Y/n carefully made her way out of the room, making sure that she did not wake him up. To her surprise, both of her lovely sisters were just outside having a ‘chat’. They then dragged her to the main hall to talk about her love life. 

“Mui is just my friend!” Y/n insisted with a pout.

“Pfft! ‘Mui’, You even gave him a cute nickname! Onee-san stop lying!” After seeing how y/n was strongly in denial, Shinobu mocked her, she leaned onto y/n across Kanae.

“Shinobu-chan!” Y/n whined as she was being held down by the two. It was a wholesome moment though, Y/n never had any siblings in the modern world, all she had were her friends, so this sisterly love really touched her.

“Masters.” said a soft voice. The three ladies looked up to see Kanao standing in front of them with a gentle smile. 

“Ne, Kanao~ Why don’t you come over?” Kanae suggested as she reached her hand out to her but Kanao rejected by shaking her head.

“The wind pillar is outside, he is looking for you, Kanae-sama.” 

Y/n had known Kanao for 3-4 years, and sadly they weren’t the closest, it made her guilty at times but she’s a pillar and has work to do.

“Ara, Onee-san! Your boyfriend is looking for you!” Shinobu joked and it caused a light tint of pink to appear on Kanae’s cheeks.

Yes they were dating, however their relationship wasn’t very ‘public’. Sanemi, our resident tsundere, does not publicly show any affection to Kanae, privately? Maybe. But everyone knows that he really likes her. (e/n: you can just tell 😏😏)

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