Chapter 3.5

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Muichiro's pov

The pain was almost unbearable. That scent from earlier, it must have come from the demon, y/n and I inhaled so much of it. Now that demon is making use of it to do something to our lungs! Wait, the demon is behind me!

The demon's claws perfectly gripped onto my head, slowly squeezing tighter and tighter.

"Let go of me!" I said while trying to rip his hand off my head.

"Blood demon art, sweet dreams!"

That was the last thing i heard before my eyes felt heavy and I passed out.

Y/n's Pov

I turn my head and saw Muichiro, collapsing onto the ground, soon blood started flowing from the back of his head, he was unconscious.

'No matter what, i need to protect Muichiro. Even with the pain, i will suppress it.'

My vision started getting extremely blurry. The demon was just there, laughing. Laughing over what he did to Muichiro, laughter that filled me with rage.

"OI! CUT IT OUT FUCKFACE!" I stood up and kicked The demon right in the face

"OW! you damned girl. How do you not look like you are suffering from the pain? Nevermind, you will n-" He said as he raised his right claw, preparing to swing an attack at me.

Those were the demon's last words before its head got severed.

Behind the disintegrating body stood a tall and hulking figure. The man wore a black and white uniform with a collar. He has spiky black hair and a prominent scar running horizontally across his forehead. He is blind, and soon those eyes started tearing up.

"I came late... They have both lost their lives..." he said, with his palms together like a prayer.

Wasting no time, I quickly checked on Muichiros condition. It was terrible, blood kept oozing out from the back of his head and he didn't respond to any of my calls. However, his heart was still beating, he had a pulse!

"No! He is still alive! H-he had a pulse... a pulse.."

I blacked out, forgetting that my lungs were not functioning properly, and air had already stopped entering.

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