Chapter 15

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Muichiro's pov

She placed a beautiful fully bloomed white rose in front of the grave and clasped her hands together. I watched as she closed her eyes and muttered to herself quietly. It looked so peaceful, she looks so peaceful, yet... she doesn't feel it. I know that this weird time traveling thing is troubling her a lot... ever since that night I heard her meltdown?or breakdown? I can't help but worry for her.

How often does she cry?

How long has this been going on?

Does she hurt herself in the process?

Is there anything else I should know?


Whatever it is, I will always be there beside her. Even if she does not know that.

After she finished praying, we stood next to each other in front of the lake, admiring the gentle water in silence as it reflected the sun?.

I decided that I should break the silence.

"Y/n, that was the old woman that tried to help us.. right?"

She looked at me and nodded quietly. " Yes... it is... I visit her from time to time. It's all thanks to Himejima-san for giving me the location."

"Oh I see. Bring me along the next time you visit."

"Mhm, okay, I will!" She gazed back at the water.

Y/n, despite looking like a friendly person, she is also very mysterious, I can never make out what she is thinking. The things she does often surprise me...

like right now.


Y/n grabbed my hand and jumped into the lake, dragging me down with her. I was so shocked, I couldn't react. The water was crystal clear, however I couldn't see what was down below, it must have been deep. I saw y/n, her eyes shut closed and her hair was flowing with the current. Her eyes slowly opened to reveal her surprisingly beautiful e/c orbs, we stared at each other in silence as the bubbles floated upwards.

What is she doing?

Suddenly I heard a snap.

Y/n's pov

I was in the dark void again, and there stood a familiar figure, Yoriichi.

"Y-Yoriichi-sama..." I walked over towards him.

"Y/n, I know you want to go back." His large hand gently patted my head.

Ever since I developed the breath of time, I stopped seeing Yoriichi in my dreams, it was surprising because he never said anything. I missed him very much though.

Anyways, he was right, I did want to go home.

"You will, I promise, but now is not the time." Yoriichi's hands gently slide down my head to cup my cheeks, softly lifting up my face to meet his maroon eyes. With that, his lips curled into a gentle smile.

"B-but Yoriichi-sama, why can't I go back now?" I asked desperately, about to tear up.

"They need you y/n."

"Who? For what? What if I couldn't help? Why?" I failed to keep the tears in, they poured out like a waterfall and I felt heat rise up to my cheeks from embarrassment.

"Don't cry y/n." Yoriichi's thumb gently wiped the tear on my cheeks. "I believe in you and your strength. That breathing style you developed is amazing. You are a lot stronger than you think y/n l/n.

-you have been warned-

Muichiro's Pov

I was in the dark void, and there stood a figure. I don't know who that was.

It was a tall man with a ponytail, his back was facing me and I couldn't see his features but I could sense that he was a demon. He felt familiar to me...

Are we related?

Have we met?

Who is he?

"H-" I was about to walk towards him when a hand was placed on my shoulder.

I looked back and gasped in surprise.

It was a boy, he looked just like me, but he wore a dark, sleeveless yukata with a white mist design. He was the twin that I saw in my dreams, but...

what was his name?

Tears started falling from his fearful mint-green eyes.

I stared at him in shock and suddenly remembered about the figure from before. I turned back to see it standing directly in front of me and I flinched. It was his shadow, but his eyes stood out, glowing maliciously . He has 6 eyes, with yellow irises and red sclera that have black straight lines diverging from each iris. But one thing caught my attention. His eyes...

They reflected the kanji of the words "Upper moon 1".


Suddenly there was a bright flash and I saw myself back in the depths of the lake again. Y/n was unconscious, slowly sinking down deeper into the unknown. I quickly swam deeper to grab her and pull her back up to the surface, trying to hold my breath uncomfortably.

I lay her down on the ground and shook her vigorously.

"Y/n! Y/n! Wake up!"

I bent down to her face and turned my head for my ear to hover over her lips, trying to listen for any breathing, but there weren't any.

There is only one way.

I gently tilted y/n's head and covered her mouth with mine, (a/n:SHKJSHKJHJAKHDA- e/n: *sigh* of course this has to happen- right, please excuse the author- she's having a fangirl moment- *ahem* please carry on reading while I calm the author down- sorry for the interruption- ) I breathed into her mouth for a second before pulling away and repeating it again. After a while, she started coughing up loads of water as I tilted her body to the side.

She's awake!

E/n: author-san are you okay now?
A/n: HAHA no

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