Chapter 32

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"Quiet... Akaza is nearby..." she covered my mouth with her hand as she carefully peeped through a hole in the bin.

This poison is getting to me, I am hallucinating about hiding in a dustbin with y/n, this is madness.

"Oh shit, he is right above us." She hurriedly shut the lid and leaned her body closer to mine for the lid to fully close.

"Y/n... don't-"


I could feel-


Her breathing, her warmth- AAAAAAAAND THAT'S ENOUGH.

"Alright, y/n-chan. Guess you left..." the demon said and suddenly there was silence.

e/n: thats sus...🤨

Third person's pov.

A/n: ze fluffz iz notz overz yetz... mwehehehehez.... 😈

Y/n heaved a huge sigh of relief as she buried her face on Muichiro's chest, feeling glad that the demon did not pursue his search for her.

While Muichiro, on the hand, had his hands clenched into a fist, desperately resisting the urge to flip the two of them around and pin the girl down.

e/n: oya?

"Y-y/n, get off please." Muichiro managed to choke out those words after drowning from embarrassment.

Y/n lifted her head to look at the boy, faces just inches away from each other, she arched her eyebrow after noticing Muichiro's face flushed red.

"M-Mui? Ehhhhh???? Are you sick? Your face is super red!" Y/n exclaimed as she cupped the boy's blushing cheeks.

Y/n's gentle touch caused Muichiro to shut his eyes as chills were sent down his spine.

Muichiro cursed under his breath, about to lose his shit-. That nickname that she gave him was out of the blue, sure it was adorable but it isn't helping him out in this situation, he couldn't take it anymore.

As the bin shook, the roles were swapped between the two. Muichiro's long locks of hair draped around the sides of y/n's face, some of it on her cheeks.

"Y/n, you need to stop moving." His thumb gently rubbed y/n's cheek as he cupped it while y/n's eyes widen slightly, surprised by Mui's sudden actions.

"M-mui? Hey..." Y/n tried to grab his face but both her hands were immediately pinned to the side of her head by Mui.

Y/n's mesmerising e/c orbs locked with Muichiro's minty-green ones. As people say, the eyes are the windows to the soul, the two were lost in each other's eyes.

Muichiro, whose mouth is slightly wide agape, started to lean into y/n's face.

'Is he... going to kiss me?' Y/n thought and shut her eyes, ready for his lips to meet hers.

But they never did.

A/n: jokes on you y/n HAHA

'Huh...' y/n thought as she mentally facepalmed herself from the embarrassment that she is trying to contain.

Mui's head was beside hers and she noticed his irregular breathing.

"Y/n..." he said in a weak voice. He was completly drained he couldn't even keep himself up. "Can we g- blEgHhgh"

"W-wha?" Y/n furrowed her eyebrows and pushed the boy up for them to face each other.

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