Chapter 39

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Warning: UM 1 SPOILERS

Y/n's Pov

Ah, I'm back to the dark void.

I walked around the void to look for a certain man that I know resides in this familiar place.

In the distance I notice him sitting on the floor by himself with a piece of paper in his hand.

"Yoriichi-sama!" I hurriedly ran over to him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders from the back. "I missed you!"

One of his hands gently held onto my arms. "My strong child. I've seen what you've been through."

I didn't speak, I just nuzzled my face in his shoulders. In a mere few days, I lost everything.

My friends.

My family.

The place I once called home.

And most importantly.

the boy i've come to adore. (Okay family first, but y/n knew mui longer than the rest, understand?)

I've never felt more alone. Even though I know this is just a dream, Yoriichi-sama is like a father to me than my own father is and I am happy to have him by my side.

I looked at the piece of paper in his hand. It wasn't a blank piece of paper, it was actually a picture, a picture of someone that looked almost identical to Yoriichi-sama, except he didn't have that fire birthmark on his head. "Who is that in the picture?"

"My brother..."

Well, I'm guessing his brother is dead now, since Yoriichi-sama died hundreds of years ago.

"He is a demon."

Still could have died-

"The current upper-moon one."

Nope he is still alive

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Nope he is still alive...


"Y/n, my brother is with you right now. Please... bring him back to me."

"Y-You want me to kill him? B-but Yo-"

"There is no time left, Y/n, be very careful."

I have so many questions, but Yoriichi-same gave me no time to ask any.

I woke up in an unfamiliar room, a simple room decorated with natural materials like bamboo, wood and rice paper. It was a nicely lit room, it didn't feel cold, it didn't feel hot, it was great. As much as I want to sleep more, I couldn't because the thought of "HOW THE F&#$ DID I GET HERE?" struck me.

I sat up immediately from the awfully comfortable bed that I did not want to leave, then I felt an agonizing pain on my legs. I couldn't feel my legs, couldn't feel anything but pain. My trembling hand made its way to the covers and tossed it open to reveal my BOOTIFUL pair of legs. There is one problem... I think they are broken. Or at least, they loOked bRoKen.

I literally spent the next 5 minutes trying to recall what had happened. I wasn't sure of how I got here but then I remembered one thing. Being in the arms of someone with a powerful aura.

The image of him was unclear, his frame was just like Yoriichi but he had 6 eyes. Now when I think of it...

Yoriichi's brother...?

THE Upper Moon 1?

Saved me?

He's here?

Suddenly the shoji door slid open revealing two unfamiliar figures. One of which, a middle aged woman with a simple pink kimono and a blank face. The other, a middle aged man with a black suit.

"I'm glad that you have woken up." The man said with a gentle smile.

Y/n found that smile oddly familiar but brushed it off anyway. "Y-yeah..."

The woman rushed to my side and started pouring me a cup of water.

Well of course I was confused, am I in a hospital or something? And where is the demon?

"You slept for a full day, have some water." The woman bowed and raised the glass of water for me to drink. I a princess now??

"T-thank you." I tried to grab the cup of water but then I felt that sharp pain again.

Upon hearing me wince from the pain the man started to explain what actually happened.

Apparently they found me infront of their porch, unconscious. My uniform was wet so the lady changed it out for me. The chains I had on magically disappeared and they didn't know how I ended up here with a broken leg.

However the good thing was they called a doctor and...

"We will help you walk again." The man said with an assertive nod.

Third person's pov (demons)

"Where did you take the girl Kokushibo-dono? You ate her?" Douma asked with his annoying voice. Well the thing was, he wanted to eat Y/n, and he regretted how he didn't finish her right there and then. If he had killed her before Kokushibo came she would have been his to eat.

"Killed her." Kokushibo lied.

"Y-you did what????" whined the voice of disbelief.

"A-Akaza-dono! Aha! What are you doing he-" Douma felt chills from Akaza's sudden appearance and tried to cover the matter up but he got punched in the f-

The demon grabbed the other by the collar and stared intensely into his eyes. "What did you do to y/n, 6 eyes?"

In a split second, Kokushibo slices off Akaza's arm and pushes him away. "Don't forget your place, Akaza."

Akaza watched the blood drip from his severed arm and instantly regenerated. He took a deep breath and in the most polite tone ever, asked

"what did you do to y/n?"

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