Chapter 14

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Third person's pov

"No, she will not be wearing that uniform." Shinobu glared at the kneeling kakushi as she burned y/n's uniform on the ground.

"Sorry Shinobu-sama! We will change it right away!" The kakushi bowed constantly before running off in tears.

3 days after the final selection, the kakushi arrived with y/n's new uniform, the open chest uniform with not only the shortest skirt ever, but also a blouse with the biggest cleavage y/n has ever seen. (e/n: uk the uniform Mitsuri wears? yeah that one) Shinobu took one glance and immediately scowled disapprovingly. Y/n agreed with her, how is one going to perform so many techniques without having to worry about accidentally revealing her bum to the whole world? AND THE CLEAVAGE GOD DAMN

After the ruckus, Muichiro arrived with his new uniform. He requested a custom made uniform to further compliment his breathing style, it was baggier and more flowy than the standard ones, it suited him though.

"Y/n, what do you think of my new uniform?" Muichiro lifted his arms like a scarecrow to give y/n a better view of the clothing, the small movement made y/n chuckle from the cuteness.

Yes, y/n did find Muichiro cute, everyone did.

"Mhm, looks great Muichiro!" Y/n exclaimed as she dusted off some dirt off his uniform.

"What about your uniform?" Muichiro asked while poking y/n's shoulder repeatedly.

"Oh, it's not ready yet!"

"I saw the kakushi running out, what's wrong with your uniform?"

Y/n blushed from the thought


Y/n puts on her new uniform and faces the mirror. Her face flushed beet red as she stood there frozen in shock.




Y/n coughed "They... got my measurements wrong..., yeah."

It was an excuse, of course. But he doesn't need to know that.

"Oh, can I see your uniform next time?"

Y/n nodded with a bright smile "yes, of course!"

Muichiro's pov

Sometimes, I can't help but wonder how much this girl is going through.

A few days ago, the night we returned home from the final selection, I was going to visit her. After Aoi-san invited me into the estate, I made my way to her room. Before I could knock, I heard some sniffles from the inside.

Immediately, I felt the presence of someone sitting in front of the door I stood before, it was y/n, of course.

I quietly sat down too, carefully leaning against the door, trying to listen in, y/n's self rant was slightly muffled, with a mix of sniffles and nose blowing.

The things she said to herself in that room, I heard all of it. I sat in the dark hallway for a long time until the crying stopped. It was quiet, like the rain stopped, I just assumed that she went to sleep.

I don't think she noticed me, but I could remember every single word she said and it broke me.

"Muichiro? Muichiro!"

I was snapped back to reality.


"Let's go somewhere today."

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