Chapter 7

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Third person’s pov

Y/n slowly opened her eyes, feeling relieved to see the same white ceiling she saw the first time she arrived here. 

“Y/n-chan! You are awake! Thank the gods!” a familiar voice said.

Y/n turned her head to see one of the three servant girls smiling brightly at her with tears rolling down her cheeks.

“Ah kiyo-chan, why are you crying? How is master?”

“We were all just so worried about you! Kanae-sama is recovering well, she survived thanks to you!”

Y/n’s lips curved into a gentle smile, “thank god….” She muttered.

Suddenly the door slid open, it was another one of the butterfly? girls, Sumi.
“Is y/n awake?” She checked. “Ah, Y/n! Your friend is awake! Tokito-kun is awake!”

Y/n started tearing up, her eyes slowly lit up, feeling a glimmer of hope, her eyes flooding with tears. “He's  awake?

Muichiro’s pov

One of the small girl’s supported me to a bench outside of the estate as I had previously requested to get some fresh air. I took deep breaths as I tried to recall what had happened. But suddenly… 


At the door of the estate stood a girl around my age. She wore the same recovery uniform I was wearing. Despite wearing a bright smile on her face, there were tears rolling down her rosy cheeks. And then i remembered, she was the girl i was with at the lake before the dream. The demon in the hut, the old lady and how that girl saved me, it was her, it’s y/n. But all the sudden flashbacks made my head hurt.

“Muichiro!” She ran towards me, crouching down on the floor in front of me, her hands on my shoulder gently patting me. “What’s wrong? A-are you okay?”

I nodded and tried to shake the pain off. “Yes, I’m okay now.”

Suddenly she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into an embrace. I was shocked of course, but I liked it. After those awful events and dreams, this was exactly what I needed. I slowly returned the hug as she started crying.

“Muichiro! I am so glad you are finally awake! I was so worried about you!”

“Stop crying, I'm fine now, at least I am not dead…” I teased.

“I'm sorry, I can’t help it!”

As I try to soothe her, I can't help but notice the tons of injuries on her. Did she get into a fight? Was it from that demon? What happened while I was asleep? 

“Y/n, why are you covered in injuries?” I pulled her away from the hug and softly grabbed her face closer to scan the injuries on her face.

“Ah, it’s normal.”

“Normal? Getting injured is normal to you?”

“Mhm, let me explain…”

Y/n explained to me about the demon slayer corps, and how she is training to become one. She also explained how she got all these recent injuries from a fight with one of the strongest demons. But then something hit me. 

“Yn, why do you want to become a demon slayer?” I questioned. “Every mission that you will go, or even the final selection, can get you killed! Why would you want to do something so risky?”

She sighed and dipped her head down “I need to be able to protect us.”


“Yes Muichiro, you and I.”

“But, Y/n-“ I thought that a young girl shouldn’t be doing such tough jobs. She had such a small frame, yet she wants to protect others, I guess there is only one way to help. “Y/n, I want to become a demon slayer too.”

“Wha? You just said it was risky, who is going to train you anyway? Are you mad?” She stood up and started shaking my shoulders back and forth.

“Ah! Stop!” I pushed her hands off. 

“ I just want to be strong too, I want to help you kill demons...” I lied. I just didn’t want to burden her with being the only one between the two of us to protect everyone, and for another reason too…but she doesn't need to know that. “And, I can train myself…”

Y/n just stared at me, dumbfounded by what I just said “WHAT?

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