Chapter 48

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e/n: sorry for the long wait lol- we were too busy to write 🤡

"Muahaha..." Douma laughed wickedly. "Give it a shot, we will see how far you can go."

Y/n, with her bloodshot eyes filled with anger and determination, charges forward with no hesitation. She had known that her strength cannot compete with Douma's but unfortunately, she was blinded by rage and there was no going back now.

Douma grinned as he watched the girl charge towards him with hands ready to tear him apart. Suddenly, he noticed thin strings start to wrap itself around the girl's limbs tightly while she was in the air.


Y/n let out a loud yelp as she was held back, not only was she frustrated and annoyed by the fact that she could not lay a finger on Nana's murderer, she was in pain because of the tight strings that were digging into her skin, causing her to start bleeding. What is holding her back?

"Ah, you have arrived, just in time before I eat her." Douma giggled.

As y/n fell to her knees in agony, Douma could see the dull spider boy who was responsible for the strings.

"She's mine, don't forget our deal, Uppermoon 2." He hissed and with a tugging motion of his hand, he yanked y/n towards him harshly.

Like a puppet, she was dragged across the pool of blood and appeared before a pair of pale feet.

Y/n slowly looked up towards the demon that dragged her so ruthlessly and was surprised to find that it was a young boy. However, due to the amount of blood she was losing, she was starting to feel faint and was unable to keep her head up. She swung her head down upon seeing a mass number of colours in her vision and started breathing heavily. Cold sweat ran down her face as she desperately held back the tears forming in her eyes. "It hurts...

"Aww look at her... she looks like a little puppy. Doesn't that make her look more delicious? I don't know about you but I'm salivating." Douma licked his lips.

"Ugh," the boy groaned in annoyance and looked towards the Biwa demon. "Send us back now."

Y/n heard another strum of the biwa before she lost consciousness.

✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧

Y/n's pov

I couldn't figure out when I lost my consciousness exactly, but I'm in this dark void again.

I call for the man that resides here, my sensei. "Yoriichi-sama? Please respond..."

A mirror appeared before me unexpectedly. I could see myself, except I looked way different than how I looked right now. My uniform was no longer stained with blood, but fresh and neat. My hair was tied up, gently blowing with the wind, unlike my currently messy hair. It looked brand new with a bolder shade of gold. My eyes were closed, my corner of my lips curled into a gentle smile, I seem to be at peace.

I don't remember looking like this...

Then I heard a familiar voice.

"It's time to raise that sword again, Y/n L/n."

Third person's pov

"Let me go...please..." y/n yearned and cried for freedom in a weak voice desperately.

She was tied up to a pole, the situation was exactly like what muichiro described in his dream a long ago.

She was in disbelief. What Muichiro saw was no dream, it was the future, something that is bound to happen.

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