Chapter 49

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Y/n's pov

Blood stains trailing from the window to the rooftop stains my path. Ignorant to the mess I made, I quickly realised how much blood I was losing. "Thank you, Kanae-sama, Yoriichi-sama." I muttered under my breath. The only reason why I am still alive and breathing is because I have mastered the total concentration breathing technique and managed to regulate my blood flow to continue surviving.

I stood on the rooftop and analysed my surroundings. I am on an abandoned house deep in the mountains and it reeks of the smell of demons. As I think of which direction I should head, I see some activity from the corner of my eyes. In the distance, there is an orange glow from the trees, flickering unsteadily. There is a fight going on over there. Deep down I know that Rui is part of it. Deep down, I also know that is where I will be heading.

I slide down the roof and land on the ground with a soft thud. I heave a sigh of relief when I notice that the pain from my previous injury was no longer present, I have full mobility. Rui, Douma. Rui, Douma. You will both pay for Nana-san's death. She did not deserve that. I won't ask the demon slayers for help, I will send the both of you to the pits of hell myself.

As I quickly made my way towards the direction of trouble, I stumbled upon the body of a demon slayer member. He's dead. No breathing, no pulse, but he has something that will be useful. A sword.

The blade turns into a bold shade of gold in my grip. That's odd, I remember my sword turning black (Chap 17) and since when was there a gold Nichirin blade? But it doesn't matter anymore, what matters is what's ahead. I grip onto my sword tightly and head straight to my destination.

The more I run, the faster I get. My senses are sharpening and my temperature is increasing. I'm still making sure I don't burn myself out before I reach there even though I have no clear sense of my limits anymore. But I can make one thing clear, Rui ends tonight.

Giyuu's pov

I made my way towards the sound of clashing swords after I had tied the loud boar boy up to a tree. In the distance I could see another boy on the ground with a demon before him. He had a torn chequered Haori and I immediately recognised him as the boy with the demon sister. Red strings started to surround him and he could not react, I need to help h-

Tick, tick, shing!

I freeze and my eyes widen as I witness the strings get shredded and start to fall apart instantly. It all happened in a blink of an eye and I am extremely confused. Did Tanjiro cut the strings?

As the fog and dust cleared up I could still see him on the ground, he had not moved from his previous position.

If not Tanjiro then... who?

The demon was stunned, "H-how did..." unaware that there was someone behind him.

"Breath of time, Ninth form: wrath of kronos"

All I saw next was a total of 12 quick flashes and before I could process what just happened, the demon boy was severed into 12 different parts. Limbs split from limb, brain, matter and guts burst out from the sudden impact. I watch as the boy's terribly damaged head tumble to the ground after the final strike with a dumbfounded expression.

I could see Tanjiro frozen in place, not because he's exhausted but too shocked to react and so was I.

"Wait, o-one more time! I wasn't ready!" The demon boy pleaded to me for a rematch as he slowly turned into ash.

He doesn't get it.. I didn't kill him, I didn't even lift a finger, all I did was watch what seemed like god's work. When you go against your own word and god strikes you with lightning? That was what it looked like... I don't even know how that all happened. Did Tanjiro kill him? Or did god really strike him down?

"Y-y/n?" Tanjiro called.


A girl with h/c hair and e/c eyes stood above the dying demon. She had a nonchalant expression but her eyes bore rage, as though the boy had done something to hurt her personally. She lifted her head and her eyes met mine.

I remember the first time I talked to y/n. In the snow near the tragedy of Tanjiro's family. She was the only one that wanted to be my friend, she was the only one that wanted to know more about me amongst all the other Hashiras, okay maybe Kocho. The point is, those eyes that once held passion and warmth, now look distant and cold. It's as though she wants to get away from me.

"Y/n, wait- I." I reached out. I was metres away from her, it would definitely be impossible for me to reach her but I need to try.

She turned away instantly, I swear I could see a tear escape from her eyes and roll down her cheeks.

I run forward in an attempt to catch her before she leaves but she collapses in my arms just when I reach. "Y/n? Y/n!" I panicked when I noticed that she was unconscious. My hands gently patted her cheeks to wake her up. She was burning hot, like stainless steel on the teppanyaki. I can probably cook an egg. There was something off about her face too...

She still looked like herself, her eyes were closed but there was something printed on her forehead just between her brows

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She still looked like herself, her eyes were closed but there was something printed on her forehead just between her brows. A mark. A golden mark.


a/n: I lost my motivation to write... 

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