Chapter 50

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Giyuu's pov

I stand under the bright sun, away from the other pillars, as always. Everyone was glad that y/n had returned alive but they definitely feel guilty after knowing that she suffered so much when she was away.

While y/n was getting treated by Kanae, the rest of the pillars gathered for Oyakata-Sama in silence. In the centre, there was tanjiro, knocked out. Sanemi and Uzui would want this boy and his demon sister dead, but that cannot happen, y/n wouldn't want that. She isn't here, so it would be up to me to keep these two alive.

They woke up the boy and Sanemi picked up his sister's box, ready to kill her. She is safe in that box but if Sanemi breaks it under the sun, she would burn to death. Surely he wouldn't do something so reckle-


Sanemi draws his sword unexpectedly, ready to stab it straight into the demon. When will oyakata-Sama arrive to take control? Nezuko won't die from that but should I stop him? What do I-

"Stop it!"

Our heads turn towards the sudden call.

"Y/n-sama, y/n-sama, you should be resting!" "Y/n-sama, the pillars will kill me!"

It was y/n, running towards us with two kakushi chasing behind her. She ignores them and heads straight for Sanemi's sword, grabbing it by the blade without care for her own safety and tossing it away. She snatches Nezuko's box and brings it into the shade. She sets it down on the ground and hugs it tight while whispering concern to the demon within. "Nezuko? Are you hurt? It's y/n-san. Y/n-san is here."

Y/n's pov

I don't want to be here, if I hadn't collapsed last night, I would have taken Nezuko and Tanjiro away. Now they want to kill them! How can I get them out of this situation? Me against a bunch of highly skilled demon slayers? I can only dream about it.

I squeeze Nezuko's box tighter after hearing Uzui. He just wants to catch me off guard and kill Nezuko! I won't! Not until Oyakata-Sama arrives.

"This girl..." Sanemi groaned in annoyance as he grabbed my arm, trying to pull me away from Nezuko.

I yelped upon his tight grip, it hurts. I have an injury there that just got patched up not long ago. Blood starts soaking up the bandage that wrapped around my arm, the arm he was gripping hard.

"You are hurting y/n. Get off." Suddenly the grip on my arm loosened, another figure stepped up behind me and placed a gentle hand on my shoulder. I look up to see...

Muichiro. He looked different. He is wearing something familiar.

He was looking back down at me. His beautiful teal eyes met mine as he whispered "it's okay." His thumb gently caressed my back in slow back and forth motions, reassuring me. It felt like he was glad to see me... after what i did?... whatever, it doesn't matter now.

"Y/n, get away from it! You are bleeding!" Uzui yells while pointing to both of them.

"Get y/n away! The demon can come out and attack you!" Shinobu warned and stepped forward.

Growls and snarls could be heard within the box. "N-Nezuko..." I carefully analysed the box and tried to peek in but before I could, I was held back my Muichiro.

"N-No!" I tried to break free but he hugged me tight from the back, careful with my injuries, folding my arms together, making it easier for him to handle me and prevent me from escaping.

There were muffled voices overlapping each other. I couldn't tell exactly who was speaking, I could make out some of Tanjiros, some of everybody? My only focus is on that box and the little girl inside. Shit, shit, shit! "Giyuu, do something!" I look towards the water Hashira , who seemed hesitant to make a move.

Sanemi steps forward and reaches for the box, sword at the ready as Nezuko growls louder. "You have a part in this, Giyuu? I will deal with you after I end this demon."

"Oyakata-Sama has arrived." Giyuu says sternly.

Everyone stops whatever they were doing and immediately knelt to the ground.

I pulled myself away from Muichiro who tried to hold me back and hurried over to Nezuko. I open her box and she launched herself at me.

"Y/N!" Everyone exclaimed, worrying for me.

But no, Nezuko didn't attack me. She hugged me. There were tears trickling down her cheeks, saliva dripping from her bamboo and a bunch of "mm mhmm" that sounded like a "I missed you, y/n-san"

"Nezuko..." I caressed her head gently. She was holding back, she would never hurt me. I knew it.

I cast upon Oyakata-sama a gaze imbued with the silent plea, " Please give Nezuko and Tanjiro a chance..."

"There would be no need for a trial. Nezuko has proven to be able to control herself and refrain from eating humans, despite the presence of fresh blood." Oyakata-sama states and everyone stares at my bleeding palm. "Please patch y/n-san up, let's not make this difficult for Nezuko-chan anymore."

Muichiro and the Kakushi slowly pulled me away from Nezuko's embrace. She didn't want to leave my side and was reaching out to me with more "mmm! Mm mmm!", until her brother managed to convince her to do so.

"I will bring you back home." Without warning, Muichiro sweeps me off my feet and into his arms.

"What are you doing?" I questioned, this shouldn't be happening. He is probably with Yuki right now, what if she sees me with him, I shouldn't even be going to wherever he is taking me, I should be leaving. "Put me down."

He ignores me, and every time I try to wiggle my way out, he holds on to me tighter. I attempted to seek help from the other Hashiras, but they watched as Muichiro walked out with me in his arms. Then I noticed what he was wearing, a Haori. The haori I made for him for his birthday...

"Muichiro, I can walk on my own, I don't need you to carry me. What if Yuki sees? What would she think of her boyfriend?" I wasn't convincing enough, he ignored me the entire way back to the butterfly estate. I reluctantly gave in to avoid worsening my injuries and causing my trouble.

Kanae directed him to my room and he gently placed down on my bed. I moved back to my first room when I arrived here. I didn't want to go back to my pillar estate because it reminded me of the terrible events that took place the last time I was there and it felt more like home here at Kanae's. Additionally, it's easier for me to get treated. After I recover, I will leave.

I made myself comfortable on my bed, ready to fake falling asleep so Muichiro would leave, but before I could pull the covers, he grabbed my hand and pulled a chair towards the bed. I looked confused as he opened the first aid kit.

"You're going to sleep with an open wound?" Muichiro mocked as he applied healing cream onto my wound. It stings.

I watched him patch me up in an awkward silence, but I observed that he had really changed a lot. The soft rays of the sun gave his skin a soft glow, strands of his hair blew gently against the wind from the standing fan and he's wearing the Haori that I prepared for him.

"Muichiro." I called his name.

"Hm?" He replied softly while still focusing on bandaging up my wound. It made my heart flutter.

"W-why are you wearing that? The Haori. Where did you get it from?" I point.

"I found it in your room, I know you made it for me." He explains as he tucks the loose bandage in.

"You shouldn't be wearing it, what will Yuki feel? Throw it away."

He shakes his head and stands up from his chair with the first aid box. As he makes his way to the shelf to place the box back in place, he explains, "Why would it matter how Yuki feels?"

"What do you mean?" I am dumbfounded by that answer. "She is your girlfriend! She should be what matters most to you! The most important person in your life, in your heart! How can you."

"Y/n." He cuts me off and our eyes meet. Suddenly, the room felt tense. My heart was pounding and I don't know why I am feeling this way. I shouldn't be. He sat on the bed with me at a comfortable distance and gently caressed the side of my face. "The only person that has my heart, is-"

Knock knock knock, we were interrupted.

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