Chapter 43

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Third person's pov

"Yuki-san?" Y/n called out to the angsty girl entering her estate while she was polishing her sword. The girl had slammed the door and started pacing towards her room.

"Shiyokiyo Yuki!" Y/n called one last time in frustration that the girl almost broke her door.

"Shut up! #&*$!" Yuki exclaimed and slammed her room door shut.

Y/n covered her mouth in disbelief. "Wha-."

Y/n spent the next 5 minutes wondering what exactly she did that "earned" her this title.

"Y/n-sama!" Y/n was shaken back to reality by her Tsuguko, Shuji.


"Master, what are you thinking about? Is it about Yuki?" He rested his head on the counter like a little kid.

Y/n nodded, followed by a sigh. "She seemed upset, do you know what happened?"

Shuji then nodded his head in anticipation, "Yes! Yuki got rejected!"


Shuji then explained how Muichiro rejected Yuki.

"And it was all because of you, master! That's why my sister is upset! You stole Tokito-san away from her!" Shuji concluded with an innocent smile, y/n was confused on the boy's thoughts.

"Let's not think about that now, Master! I practiced some techniques, want to see?"

Shuji rubbed the back of his neck as he spoke.

Y/n nodded in agreement. She thought that there is no point pursuing this issue unless she spoke to Muichiro, however he was busy.

They went to the spacious part of the estate, y/n's estate did not have a lot of furniture.

"Master, I just need to clarify this part! I have not perfected the technique yet, so I don't think it will work." Shuji said as he drew out his sword.

"Hmm, yes! Completely understandable, whenever you are ready." Y/n stood metres away and folded her arms.

"Before that, y/n-sama..." Shuji dipped his head down.

"Do you have any last words...?" Shuji lifted his head back up, revealing a sinister look on his once innocent face.

Y/n was confused but shook her head, thinking that it was the boy playing a fool.

"Breath of time, Seventh form: relfection from the past." He lifted his sword in the air gracefully, spinning and twirling it around his wrist and successfully managed to create a mirror relfection.

"T-that-" y/n was shocked that the boy managed to replicate the form so well, too well... no, perfect.

She gasped upon realising what she just got herself into.

(Insight: the form forces the victim to see their past.)

✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧

Y/n's pov

"Y/n please sit next to Muichiro. Muichiro I trust that you will take great care of y/n and show her around the school during lunch break."

Soon a boy seated at the right corner of the class, closest to a window, replied "yes, Sensei."

I analysed my seatmate. Bangs that framed his face, dark long hair with blue tips at the end.

"Hello, I am Muichiro Tokito." He stood up and offered me a hand shake.

I took it happily but once I grabbed hold of his hand he suddenly pulled me towards him. My hips crashed onto the table before us while my other hand tried to keep myself still.

The lights started flickering and there was suddenly a large wind current.

I tried to pull my hand out from his grip but it didn't work.

"I-I-" i was speechless, unsure of what is going on.

"Wake up." His eyes stared intensely at mine, as though warning me. "Didn't you hear me? Wake up. WAKE UP, Y/N L/N!"


It was a memory from my past. A memory that wanted to help me. I realised that my body was wrapped in chains. The room reeked of the smell of metallic blood. As my eyes slowly adjust to the setting I was in, I realised I was in my estate, but... but... Yuki was on the floor... she was in the arms of Shuji, her clothes were stained with blood... she was injured.

Then I realised all eyes were on me. The kakushi, especially Shuji, was pointing towards me, he seemed furious. Amane-san was talking to a Kakushi, after rhat, the Kakushi immediately kept my sword in a bag.

Nothing was audible...

everything happened in a blur...

Shuji was pointing his finger angrily towards me, his other arm grabbing hold of his sister.

The horrified faces of the Hashiras, including Muichiro.


I- I see now...

✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧





"Y/n! She is waking up, master! She is waking up!"

Y/n's eyes slowly open up to finally face the true reality.

She was in the arms of Tsuki, the man providing her with aid. Beside them was Nana, the woman that had consistently cared for y/n for the past few months.

A sigh escaped from the lips of the man as he wiped a sweat off the girl's forehead.

"I-I am so sorry, y/n-san! If I was quicker, this wouldn't have happened to you!" Nana apologised profusely. Thank the gods Master managed to save you from that fierce fire!"

Y/n felt touched by Tsuki's actions and smiled. "Thank you for saving my life, oh yeah... I finished making the earring..."

They all tilted their heads as Y/n reached for a certain object in her pocket.

She carefully picked out the two earrings from inside the gift bag and displayed it on her hand.

"Do you like it? This is the sun... and this is the moon... I hope that we will be able to accept each other's flaws as we stay together for the next few months. Which one would you like? I think the moon one suits you."

Tsuki chuckled. "You almost died, yet you are prioritising the earrings you just made. Silly girl."

"Well... I am still alive anyway... How did I survive though? I can't remember..."

✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧


"Akaza-sama, I set the place on fire, thinking that it would have been easier to get her t-"

"You... what?" he spoke with a deadly glare.

"I tried to knock her out! But just when she started closing her eyes, she opened them again! This time they were white and she had some weird fire tattoos appearing on her forehead, it was so weird!" The demon explained panickly as Akaza tried to absorb everything.

"She had me in the air and she squished my head off, girl was crawling on the floor moments ago but suddenly she acquired this sudden strength! It was like she got possessed."

"I managed to crawl out while some man came to rescue her! I- Akaza-sama I almost died, when am I going to get what you promised? Come on I-"

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