Chapter 35

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Third person's pov

Muichiro heaved a sigh of relief, glad that it was just Yuki.

"Hey, Tokito-senpai. What were you and the other pillars talking about? It seemed interesting!" Yuki asked as they were walking to their destination.

Yuki wanted to take Muichiro somewhere, so he had to continue that interesting conversation another day.

"Nothing." Muichiro replied simply, focusing on the road ahead to avoid eye contact.

"Ah~ Tokito-senpai~ you are so mysterious, so cool~" the girl complimented him in a sing-song voice.

Muichiro didn't care. He stared emotionlessly at Yuki, unsure of how to reply. "...thanks?"

The truth was, Muichiro was cold towards everyone. Everyone but y/n... and maybe Oyakata-sama. He didn't really care about what other people say but still, he is a respectful boy.

"Awe..." Yuki chuckled at Muichiro's response. "Don't be shy, senpai! Oh look, the pond is right ahead!"

It was a peaceful pond. Greenery surrounded the tranquil clear water and the sound of gentle chirping from nearby birds could be heard.

'I should bring y/n here.' was Muichiro's immediate thought until he felt someone gently hold onto his hand.

"S-senpai. Your eyes are just like this pond. Clear and glittery, beautiful and mesmerising."

Again... "...thanks?" He responded with confusion.

"Tokito-senpai. I-I like..." she stuttered.

"I like you!"

Y/n's pov.

Iguro-san and I were both exhausted from our mission. It was a two day mission and we were both craving for some food and quality sleep.

Originally we were talking about Mitsuri's onigiri, but it somehow turned into him confessing his feelings for her.

"Y/n L/n, if you tell her or anyone anything. I swear I will rip you to shreds." Iguro glared at me while I was sheepishly laughing at his confession.

"Ne, Iguro-san. You should tell her. I can help you with that!" I suggested.

Iguro turned away in embarrassment . "As a demon slayer, a pillar, relationships should not be my prior-"

"Nah, you are just shy!"




He told me everything, I was genuinely surprised? Surprised that he would tell me about how he feels for Mitsuri and why he won't progress this relationship.

Summary: Iguro felt that he couldn't tell Mitsuri he loves her because of his traumatic past.

A/n: just go search up why online, readers.


"Ah, i see." I tried to sound positive, then remembered the things Mitsuri told me.


"I joined the demon slayer corps to find a husband that is stronger than me!"

"Ooo, have you found anyone you like?" Then I gasped. "Hh? Is it Kyouju-"

"KYA!!!! NO WAY Y/N-SAN!" Mitsuri squealed as she hid her face in embarrassment. "HE IS MY MASTER! NO WAY! NO WAY!"

"EH?" Y/n stood up and started bowing repeatedly. "GOMEN NASAI! GOMEN GOMEN GOMEN GOMEN MITSURI-SAN!"

"Aha~ I mean I understand, he is such a fine man! D-do you like him? Y/n-san?"

Y/n cringed. " He is like a big brother to me. Just like Sanemi- "

"O-Oh~! Aha~ back to what we were saying! Ah.... I think Iguro-san has been treating me well!"

"Seriously? That snake guy?" I pouted, thinking it could have been Giyuu. He has quite the charm despite looking depressed anyway.

"W-well... he is pretty cool... The point is! He treats me really well!"

Oh yeah, he did give her some socks as a gift.

"I think Mitsuri-san might like you though?"

Iguro frowned, "Stop lying."

I shook my head. "I can help you, Iguro-san. You are living in a world where you can die at any moment. Time is of the essence."

Iguro's pov

Woah, the hell.

"Do not let your past affect your future, Iguro-san. You are human after all and you deserve love." Y/n said as she smiled cheerfully at me, then started dragging me away.

"Y/n-san, where are we going?"

"To a lake near headquarters, I think it would be a good place for you to express your feelings for Mitsuri-san!"

"Why do we need to go to a good place to confess? Does it increase the probability of getting accepted?" I asked after looking at Kaburamaru, for confirmation.

Y/n didn't answer that, so I assumed that it was a self-explanatory 'yes'.

The path that we walked on suddenly split into two. Left and right. With no signs to guide us, y/n suggested that I went right and she went left.

Thankfully y/n went left, because what I saw wasn't right.

Right beside the pond that I think y/n was trying to take me, stood two teenagers. A girl with (a/n: Yuki's hair desc bc im lazy) in the arms of a certain pillar with dark hair and mint-green tips.

A hiss of disbelief could be heard from my slithery companion.

"Say, y/n wouldn't want to see this. Right? Kaburamaru-san." I asked quietly. I was at a higher part of land, so it was difficult for them to notice me, but I could see everything clearly. Everything.

Kaburamaru shook his head and slid back into my hair in disgust.

e/n: i mean, i would too if i don't have to edit this chapter author-san-

a/n: This is what you signed up for Editor-san

"Indeed, we shouldn't let her see this. Her sweetheart is hugging another girl, we should g-" I swiftly turned back and my heart stopped for a moment. "Y-y/n?"

"Iguro-san! You found the lake!" Y/n exclaimed with excitement.

I have to direct her away.

"This lake is disgusting, I want another." I lied.

"Nah, you should see the corner over there, there are many tadpoles! Mitsuri would li- Oh wait, is that Muichiro? Ah we should go say hi!" She tried to push through despite me holding onto her shoulders to resist her.

"Iguro-san! What's wrong? Let's... go... see!"

"Y/n, you see him everyday, we don't have to."

Fuck, she managed to get pass me-

But, it is too late now. Soon the bright smile on her face started to fade into a frown. Her shoulders drooped down and the atmosphere went cold.

I sighed. Unsure of what to do or say. Do I comfort her? Drag her away? Maybe help her beat up tokito-

She disappeared.

e/n: this is only the beginning... author-san hates all of you okay? she's putting a major angst part soon so yall prepare yourselves cuz there's nothing i can do to help other than make it less cringy and less angst cuz author-son shoud not be doing yall like that-

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