Chapter 27

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Giyuu's pov

"No wonder, you are a pillar."

Y/n giggled and bowed. "Nice to meet you Tomioka-sama. Today is the official day I become a pillar. Please take care of me."

"Official?" I folded my arms. "What do you mean by official?"

"Well, I was informed that I will become a new pillar just the day before I met you at the Kamados, however the pillars were all busy so we could only hold the meeting today." Y/n explained as she adjusted the sword resting on her belt.

Thinking about it, the immense strength and speed that she has made her worthy of becoming a pillar, I thought she was just an underrated member.

"Anyways, Tomioka-sama, or should I say, Giyuu-san. About Tanjiro I-"

"Y/n." A boy with mint green eyes said calmly

'Ah the mist pillar.' I thought to myself.

"Oh? Muichiro! Hey! What a- ouch! Muichiro, what are you doing?" Y/n greeted him but the boy grabbed onto her wrist tightly and started dragging her away.



Third person's pov

"Muichiro! Where are you taking me? The butterfly estate is THAT way!" Y/n whines as Muichiro drags her into his estate, peaking out, ensuring that the man with the mismatched haori isn't following before shutting the door.

"What... are you doing?" Y/n shook off the boy's hand in frustration and annoyance. "I was talking to Giyuu-san!"

"Giyuu-san?" Muichiro questioned with his usual emotionless expression but with SLIGHT confusion and annoyance "You guys are friends?"

"Yes, we are." Y/n walks to the main hall and sits down on the comfy Zaisu. "....I think."

Muichiro dipped his head down slightly. "Is it because I didn't visit the Kamados with you? So I wasn't a good friend? And-"

"Muichiro!" Y/n stopped the boy from talking.

"I don't know why you couldn't go visiting with me, but it doesn't mean that you are a bad friend, alright?" Y/n sighed, annoyed.

"I- Alright, I'm sorry... Oyakata-sama wanted to speak to me." Muichiro apologised after noticing the girl sigh.

Y/n felt guilty after hearing the boy apologise and walked up towards him to hold his hand. "Don't apologise. There's a lot happening lately, I am sorry for lashing out on you."

"What happened, y/n? Is it about the Kamados?" Muichiro tilted his head slightly to see y/n's face, trying to determine what she was feeling.

Y/n nodded slightly. "When I arrived, they were all killed, Tanjiro and Nezuko survived though." Y/n frowned. "However, Nezuko became a demon."

Muichiro's eyes widened slightly, he has never met or seen the Kamados but y/n often tells him about them. Y/n and Nezuko were apparently close, Nezuko was like a little sister to her, now that she became a demon it must have been hard for her to kill her.

"You killed her..." Muichiro muttered quietly

"Huh? What? No I didn't!" Y/n narrowed her eyes and stared at the boy in confusion.

"You let the demon that killed her own" Muichiro questioned with an arched eyebrow, slightly disappointed that y/n was so soft hearted.

"No!" Y/n smacked Muichiro on his chest, causing him to wince from the pain. "I would never! Nezuko didn't hurt anyone! It was another demon!"

"Oh I'm sorry, relax." Muichiro apologised as he rubbed the area where he got smacked.

"Relax? Are you mad? I swore to protect the Kamados, but I couldn't. Tanjuro-san must be extremely upset, probably disappointed! I DIDN'T EVEN APOLOGISE, I-"

Y/n froze when Muichiro's soft lips gently pecked y/n's forehead. Heat rushed up y/n's cheeks in an instant and she turned away from him with embarrassment. Her hands clenched onto the uniform on her chest as she felt her heart pound rapidly.

One corner of Muichiro's lips slightly curled upwards into a little smirk after seeing y/n's reaction.

"Relax, Y/n."

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