Chapter 36

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e/n: author-san wants to torture you readers so i cant really do anything about it other than to say BEWARE THERES ANGST AHEAD and for you to prepare your poor souls 🙏

I warned you..


Third person's pov

The pillars looked at the h/c hair girl sitting on the hot pebbled floor alone. Y/n wasn't her usual self, she sat alone, didn't talk to anyone, not her 'sisters' or 'brothers'. Not even Muichiro.

A/n: well duh.

en: i wonder why...

"Iguro-san!" Kanae called out to the man with the unique eyes lying on the tree.

Iguro looked down, and to his surprise, all of the other pillars except for Muichiro who was busy staring at the gloomy lady, were looking at him. But, at least he knew what they wanted.

"Oi, what happened to y/n?" Sanemi demanded an answer.

"Iguro-san! You are my ally, but if you made y/n feel this way during your mission, I will not hesitate to beat the shit out of you!" Rengoku said with his usual bright smile, making it 10x more intense.

"Calm down, Rengoku-san!" Shinobu huffed, annoyed when the flame pillar wasn't being patient.

"I didn't do anything." Iguro sighed as he stepped down from the tree. "You should go ask that Tokito guy."

Then they all shifted their attention to him, watching the boy as they thought about what could have possibly happened. They looked at each other when they thought of the same thing before deciding to confront him, but before they could...

"The master has arrived..."

~after the meeting~

Muichiro saw that y/n left quickly and hurriedly. Concerned, he wanted to ask her about why she looked upset, before he felt great pressure on his neck and blacked out.

A/n: this is my favourite part!

Moments later, he woke up in an unfamiliar room, tied onto a chair. As his vision cleared, he noticed the 9 figures in front of him.

e/n: mans getting interrogated rn dayum-

"My apologies, Muichiro-kun, I may have hit you a little too hard..." gyomei was the first to speak.

"Muichiro-kun! We need an explanation as to why y/n is upset!" Mitsuri exclaimed, her hands clenched into a fist in excitement. 'Pillar kidnapping! SO COOL!!' Was what she thought, with a flowery aura surrounding her.

Muichiro was confused, rivulets of perspiration dripping down his face, it was hot and humid yet he couldn't get out.

"Ah Tokito! Did you reject her or something? Come on y/n is such a fine lady why w-... what?" Uzui boosted with confidence but then stopped when they all shot him a glare.

"You checked her out?" Giyuu slightly raised an eyebrow with his blank face, almost unnoticeable.

"Shut up, emo boy."

A/n: readers can guess who this is lol

"I don't know why she is upset." Muichiro admitted, his head dipped down in embarrassment. He knows that he is closest to y/n, yet he doesn't know what is troubling her. He just thinks that he is horrible at this point.

"Tch" Iguro gave a look of disgust.

"Just tell us, this boy is clueless." Sanemi yawned as he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed.

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