Chapter 54

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Third person's pov|

Running along the train tracks, her heart thumping loudly and adrenaline surging through her veins, y/n felt alive for the first time in weeks. After resting at the butterfly estate for weeks, the anticipation of action thrilled her, driving her to move faster along the rails. Though she promised Muichiro not to interfere, her body itched for some combat. Still, she kept her promise in mind, knowing she would be scolded badly by the Mist Pillar if she had broken her word.

Y/n was excited to see Rengoku in action after a long time, she admired his swordsmanship. There was a period of time when Rengoku helped to develop y/n's skills. Besides training, Rengoku was kind and compassionate, and always welcomed her and Mitsuri over for food. The memories bought a smile on Y/n's face, eager to swiftly conclude this mission and go back to headquarters to continue the celebration.

As she approached the scene, a sudden, intense, urgency overtook her, gripping her heart like a vice. The sound of weapons clashing and the roar of fierce combat filled the air. In the distance she saw the train, now derailed and lying in a twisted heap of metal. Flames flickered around the wreckage, casting eerie shadows in the distance.

Amidst the chaos, she spotted Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke, standing helplessly at the sidelines, their faces etched with worry and determination. They were watching Rengoku, locked in a battle with the one and only Upper Moon Three, Akaza.

Y/n felt paralysed, unsure of what to do. Rengoku was like a brother to y/n, his unwavering kindness and courage was a beacon of hope for her. While Akaza was a friend who had once comforted her when she was at her most vulnerable moment but now stood as an enemy on the battlefield.

Y/n dreaded this day, this awful confrontation. For years, she has avoided Akaza, knowing she was unable to kill a demon like him. After being forced out of the corps, she had befriended him, almost forgetting the reality of his nature. Y/n clung onto the fragile illusion of friendship with a demon and now it is time to face reality.

'He's my friend, but he's a demon. He's my friend, but he's a demon and a demon must die.'

The words echoed in her head, raging within her like a storm. She has made a decision, and with each pressing moment, the weight of that decision grew, threatening to crush her.

Watching the brother she never had, Rengoku, locked in a death battle with the friend who comforted her in her darkest moments, Akaza, it tore her soul. The memories of their time spent together flashed in her mind, causing tears to start welling up in her eyes. Deep down, she knew this day was inevitable.

Tonight, one of them has to die. And it has to be Akaza.

With tears streaming down her cheeks, she hurried to Tanjiro and grasped his sword, her hands trembling with emotion. Though her heart screamed in protest, she knew the time had come.

"Y-Y/n-san?" Tanjiro's voice quivered with shock, his eyes widening at the sight of Y/n, a part of him thanked the gods for sending an 'angel' for Rengoku, but another part of him worried for y/n's safety for she had not fully recovered and she shouldn't be fighting. "W-What are you doing here?"

But Tanjiro's question hung in the air, unanswered, drowned out by the chaos of the moment. Y/n was enveloped in her own turmoil, her mind consumed by the weight of this situation. With tears glistening in her eyes, she got into her battle stance. "I'm sorry, Muichiro." She whispered a silent apology for the shattered promise, before charging into the battlefield.

✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧

Back at headquarters...
Third person's pov

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