Chapter 46

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Tonight, the stars shone brighter than ever, lighting up the dark sky. The atmosphere was calm and for the first time, Y/n felt no worries. As the young lady sat on the wooden porch outside of the mansion that she temporarily resides in, she noticed fireflies by the garden. The fireflies danced in the night as if choreographed by every joyous memory and dreams.

All the wonders of the night that she had never noticed throughout her life. She thought to herself, perhaps she had been busy demon hunting in the past, that she didn't have the chance to notice the beauty of nature and take her time to appreciate her surroundings. She sighed deeply before closing her eyes gently.

Breathe in...

...breathe out.

Absorb what is around her... and be in the moment.

The frequent chirping of crickets.

The sound of running water from a nearby stream.

The subtle rustling of leaves as the gentle wind blew.

Peace and quiet.

Until she sensed a strong presence before her.



The demon had bent forward, their faces were a few inches apart and he wore a genuine smile, as though happy to see her.

Y/n attempted to stand and "run" for her imaginery sword but Akaza had held her down on the porch, firmly ensuring that she sits in her original spot.

"What do you want now? Why are you here?" She demanded, voicing her irritation for disrupting her peaceful time alone for an answer as she struggled to free herself from his grip.

"Y/n, calm down! I don't mean any harm." He explained and the girl stopped struggling, confused by his intentions. "I will let you go, if you let me sit with you?"

Y/n thought for a moment before reluctantly nodding her head.

Y/n's hands fidgeted on her lap as she sat next to the demon in an awkward silence, she frequently shot side glances at him, she felt uneasy.

However the aura that he admits no longer gives off the hint of danger like it used to. The corner of his lips curled up very slightly, forming into a gentle smile and his gaze is the softest as it had ever been. He seemed so compassionate and harmless, Y/n almost believed that he was a normal human being.

"What are you looking at?"

Y/n got caught staring and now she is embarrassed. She still got herself together anyway.

"You. You are suspicious. Why are you here?" She questioned the one beside her firmly.

"I... have been looking for you for a while... I was worried because you disappeared, I-" he got cut off.

"Liar, the reason why this happened to me..." She said while pointing to her currently recovering leg. "Was because of that jackass icy fuck of an ally of yours."


"I'm sorry... Y/n. I'm sorry." Akaza apologised. "You... don't deserve any of this. It's my fault."

Upon hearing that, y/n gave out a large sigh, disappointed that she had let her emotions get the better of herself.

✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧

That fine evening had a rough start but as time went by, the conversation between the two became more heartfelt and touching.

Y/n was given the chance to express how she felt about recent events and allow herself to finally let go of what had been weighing down on her shoulders for the longest time.


"So, that human with the teal-tipped hair was a boy..."


"And you fancy that boy?"

"Ye- No! No! He probably has a girlfriend now..."


"My tsuguko's... sister."


"W-why are you staring at me like that? Are you judging me?!"

"Yeah... W-Wait im joking, don't cry-"

It felt as though Akaza was the only friend she had left.

It was stupid.

However, it was worth it.

As they conversed through the night, they noticed the night sky slowly light up as lanterns floated upwards from the village across a giant lake.

"The lantern festival...." She whispered to herself in awe.

Y/n remembered the day she celebrated the lantern festival with Muichiro. (chapter 20)

The two let go of their lanterns up in the air, Y/n could remember Muichiro's lovely face. His eyes sparkled in excitement and his mouth was slightly agape from amazement. It was so pure and beautiful Y/n could almost cry.

Today she has no lantern to release but she does have one thing to let go of.


"I love you, I miss you."

"But you are not mine to have..."


"...Muichiro Tokito."

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