Chapter 58

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Third person's pov

"Muichiro?" Y/n gasped as she watched the mist pillar dice up the fishy demon before him.

"Y/n?" When his teal eyes met y/n's, he immediately tossed his sword away and ran for her. "Y/n!"

With open arms, she ran forward, anticipating the embrace. She felt a sense of relief upon seeing that Muichiro had survived an upper moon despite the multiple wounds, the bloody haori and a giant hole in his uniform.


But that feeling was crushed instantly when she noticed that the red on his face was not his blood, but the demon slayer mark.

"Muichiro, Y-your face." Y/n cupped Muichiro's face in disbelief. "Y-you got the mark."

"That isn't important right now." Y/n noticed the glow in Muichiro's eyes before he pulled her in his arms, hugging her tightly.

"Not important?? WHAT?"

"Y/n, look, I remembered! I got my memories back! I re- GHURGHSGLEH" bubbles started foaming in Muichiro's mouth.

"WAIT WHAT, YOU WHAT? MUICHIRO? HAVE YOU BEEN POISONED? THERES FOAM COMING OUT OF UR MOUTH." Y/n held onto Muichiro's shoulders when he began to fall.

Moments later, she laid him on his side and gently stroked the boy's hair. "Are you okay now?"

"I'm okay." his hand grabbed hers tightly and with the brightest smile, he continued what he wanted to say. "Y/n. I got my memories back..."

"Y-You what?!" Y/n's face lit up with joy instantly as she covered her mouth in disbelief. But soon, tears start to well up in her eyes. "Y-you remembered..." she said with a shaky voice, overwhelmed with emotion.

Before Muichiro could respond, y/n threw herself over him, arms on his shoulders, and she hugged him tightly. "You remembered! You finally remembered! Finally!"

"Ow, y/n." Muichiro winced at the pain and the girl retreated with a soft apology as she wiped away her tears with her palm.

"Yes, y/n." Muichiro confirmed. "I remember. I remembered my life back then. You, our friends, my brother, everything."

Y/n covered her mouth again in disbelief, unable to find the words to say, she was overjoyed. Overjoyed to the point where she forgot about the mark.

The moment of joy changed instantly when a serious look appeared on Muichiro's face. "Listen y/n, do you remember what we were studying about before we fell into the lake?"

Narrowing her brows, Y/n shook her head, utterly confused. "What? Urm... some assignment, I don't remember any of it. Muichiro, how does this even matt-"

"We were studying about demons, y/n." Muichiro interrupted as he carefully sat up, mint eyes met e/c ones. "What they were, their history and how they were exterminated."

Y/n tilted her head slightly, "huh?" still yet to comprehend the statement.

"WH-" then she gasped when she finally realised what he meant.

"Not only do I remember our past, I remember the book. I remember how they were defeated. I know how we can stop Muzan. THIS past that we are in, is when we stop Muzan."

"W-what, what should we do?" she asked, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and hope.

Taking a deep breath, Muichiro tried to piece together fragments of his shattered memory. Now, those memories were more than just stories—they were a roadmap to victory.

"You have to let Nezuko conquer the sun"


"Y/n!" Muichiro grabbed y/n's shoulders firmly, his eyes baring sincerity. "You have to trust me."

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