Chapter 4

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Note: contains small spoilers of Yoriichi

Y/n's pov

"Who are you? Why am I here?" I questioned the swordsman with the hanafuda earrings standing still in front of me.

He reached for something behind him and pulled out a wooden sword, presenting it to me, motioning for me to take it.

"What do you want me to do with this? I don't know how to use a sword..." I asked as I looked at the wooden sword in my hands

Suddenly, there was a gush of wind and i realised that my body is positioned in a sword swinging stance, with my hands gripping on the sword above my head.

"500 times and you shall return" the mysterious man said, followed by some echoes of his own voice. His voice was intimidating and deep but soft and gentle at the same time. I didn't want to question him anymore as he never answers them anyways.





"499" I stopped.

My hands were trembling, they were sore and slightly numb. I've stayed in this void for hours, swinging a sword, but that man stayed by me.

"Please, answer my questions, only two..." I pleaded while panting.

Slowly, he lifted his head. I could finally see his full face. He had a red mark on his forehead, at exactly where Tanjiro's scar was at and maroon coloured eyes. He smiled softly, as though granting me the permission to ask away.

"Can I know what your name is?"

"Yes, I am Yoriichi Tsugikuni." He replied, closing his eyes and putting his palm on his chest, introducing himself.

"Okay... Why are you here?"

"To help you become a better swordsman."

I nodded, somewhat satisfied with his answer, I did promise him only two questions. However, I wasn't sure if I wanted to become a swordsman, I just wanted to go home.

I took a deep breath, raised my sword and swung with a "swoosh"

Third person's pov

Y/n slowly opened her eyes, she was in a room, with white ceilings, white walls and a few plain windows. The whispering of some ladies could be heard at the corner of the room.

The room smelled like any hospital, a bit of alcohol, medicine but with the addition of a pleasant smell of flowers, more "authentic" than the one that demon had.

"Wait.. demons? DEMONS!" Y/n shouted and sat up from the bed she was lying on.

"Eh! Eh! Calm down... no more demons..." a dark haired girl with twin tails and butterfly clips sat down beside y/n, gently patting her back trying to comfort her.

"W-wha? How did I get here? Where am I? What happened to Muichiro?" Y/n tried not to panic, she clearly failed.

"Ah... so his name is Muichiro... Don't worry! You are currently recovering at the butterfly estate, the stone pillar brought you both here." She smiled.

"So that was the stone pillar..." y/n thought of the swordsman that saved him. "WAIT what is this? A cult? Who are you?"

"Relax, let's do this slowly. Firstly, names. My name is Aoi Kanzaki. I am 12 this year and i am a helper here at the butterfly estate, a recovery base for the injured slayers. What about you?" Aoi said as she passed y/n a glass of water.

Y/n took a sip of the water, "My name is Y/n L/n, I am 16, and... I don't know anything else..."

Aoi nodded, "what about your friend?"

"His name is Muichiro Tokito, he is 16 too. Is he okay? There was a lot of blood and he passed out! Is he even alive?" Y/n started panicking again at the thought of Muichiro.

Aoi sighed. "If you can walk, come with me."

Aoi brought Y/n to the male recovery room. The room was exactly the same as the one y/n was in before, just with a few boys and Muichiro.

Muichiro was not awake, and there was a lady attending to him. The lady wore a butterfly patterned haori and had butterfly clips clipped onto her long hair.

"Ara, you are finally awake! How are you feeling?" She said as she attended to Muichiro. Her voice sounded so familiar but y/n couldn't figure it out.

"I think I am feeling better, how is my friend?" Y/n tries to peek over the lady's shoulder to see what she is doing.

"Well, your friend got hit right on his head and it heavily affected his brain. It's been about 5 days since your rescue, from what I see, it will probably take a really long time for him to wake up. But not to worry, he will definitely survive!"

"Oh phew, that's good... Wait 5 days? 5??? HUH?"

"Yes y/n-san, 5 days." Said Aoi.

"What... I've never slept for so long..." Y/n scratched the back of her head. "Oh by the way, may I know what your name is?"

"That's Kanae Kocho, the flower hashira. She owns the butterfly estate." Aoi explained.

"Nice to meet you Y/n-san, " Kanae spun her chair to face y/n and smiled at her.

Y/n was shocked, and a little mesmerised too. It's the biology teacher! But why is she dressed like- Eh? Hashira? What- Y/n was speechless.

"Uh... Aoi-san, have you explained to her about "us"?"

"No, haven't got the chance to."

"Ah, allow me... " Kanae said as she held y/n's hand, bringing her outside.

~ After Kanae's explanation ~

"Can you process this?" Kanae asked, holding y/n's trembling hand.

"Y-yeah..." Y/n dipped her head down before looking back up again. "Kanae-san, I- , um can you- train me? To become a demon slayer?"

Kanae's eyes widened, a little shocked, "yes y/n, of course."

Kanae smiled gently as she sees determination and courage in Y/n's E/C orbs, she knew that she had a lot of potential.

"Thank you Kanae-sama!" Y/n bowed to her new master, then winced at the pain in her lungs, forgetting about her injury.

"No problem, y/n, but please,drop the honorifics" Kanae brought y/n back up to stand.

"Oh by the way, have you been practicing with a sword? Your hands have blisters that come from sword practices." Kanae pointed out.

"No I-" Y/n replied before recalling her "training" with Yoriichi in the void, as she looked at her palms.

"It must have been from something else.."

'Wait, what? How? It was a dream wasn't it? Huh? Why did I only realise it now?" Y/n thought as she scratched her head in confusion, again.

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