Chapter 31

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Third Person's pov

Knock knock knock

A middle age lady slid the door open to reveal a young girl with h/c hair standing outside with a sleeping boy on his back.

"H-hey! Good evening, Ma'am... I uh... found your son!" An awkward smile appeared on y/n's face as she greeted the lady.

"Oh my gosh..." The lady covered her mouth as she rushed over to y/n's slide to carefully carry her boy down. "Where did you find him?"

"In the woods, he got lost, I don't think that he is injured but you should get it checked..."

It was a lie.

"Oh my... Thank you! Please, wait here!" The lady rushed back into her house with her child.

Y/n blinked as she waited outside the house, scratching her head in confusion when suddenly the bushes started rattling from around the corner.

[Insert suspense music]

Y/n narrowed her eyes as she paced forward to the direction of the noise, her fingers slowly wrapped around the handle of her sword.

Y/n was on guard, slowly sliding the black blade out of its cover, waiting for it... whatever is in the bush, big or small, dangerous or not... to come out.


Y/n was snapped out of her zone, she quickly put her sword back in its sheath and wore a bright smile.

"Yes?" She casually walked towards the lady.

"Here is a bag of sweet potatoes, I just baked them! You must be very hungry! Take it!" The woman grabbed y/n's hand and placed the bag of sweet potatoes.

The sweet and pleasant fragrance of the bag of goodies that y/n received made her belly grumble. Y/n bowed and thanked the lady profusely as her cheeks burned from embarrassment.


"Ah... the rooftop! My favourite place!" Y/n happily skipped to the top of a high building and sat down comfortably facing the east, waiting for the bright morning sun to greet her.

While waiting, she opened up the bag of warm sweet potatoes making her mouth water from the wonderful aroma.

Y/n smiled cheerfully as she opened her mouth, ready to take a bite but she sighed. She held the potato away from her mouth as she saw a figure at the corner of her eye.

"What do you want, demon?"

"Please... call me Akaza." Akaza sat next to y/n but y/n shifted away slightly, uncomfortable of being close to him.

Akaza was staring intently at y/n, admiring her beauty while y/n on the other hand, was trying to pull something out of her pocket.

"Hey... y/n, about t-" the dagger was thrown straight at Akaza's eye, blood and goo splattered all over.

[Slow Motion of y/n's fierce look as she throws the dagger aT AKAZA AND THE BLOOD SPLATTERING ALL OVERRRRRRR]

Y/n gave up her precious sweet potatoes and ran. Far away. Leaping from house to house, away from Akaza. She doesn't want to be near him at all. After all, it was what Muichiro advised her to do.


"You sure you can't fight him?" Muichiro asked as he leaned against the wall.

Y/n shook her head. "No, he avoids every attack, I really don't want to waste my time on this demon."

"Tell you what." Muichiro sat in front of y/n, his hand placed on her shoulder to reassure her. "If he ever approaches you, run and I will try my best to go on missions with you."

"Shit." Y/n cursed under her breath as she ran. Unfortunately, today, Muichiro had a mission. And unfortunately, today, Akaza had to come looking for y/n.

"Oi, oi, Y/n-chan!" Akaza called out as he chased her like a predator chasing its prey. "Pretty fast aren't ya? Come on, y/n. You can't run forever! You are human after all!"

'Right, I can't run. But I can hide.' Y/n smirked as she slid down the tiles into the dark alleyway, using her senses to guide her into somewhere safe.

"Woah woah, y/n-chan. Don't be so childish would you? Do you really hate me that much?" Akaza laughed playfully as he looked down the alleyway, watching y/n dart away.

Left, right, left, right. Turn and turn, y/n realised that she was lost and the weirdo was still up there on the roof looking for her. That was when she gave up and had to do the worst thing ever.

Dustbin hideout. aka, hiding in the dustbin.

Muichiro's pov

Finally done with my mission, that demon did me dirty back there. The poison was getting to me, it was messing with my head and the only thing I needed right now was y/n. I mean, treatment.

Anyways... I think the poison is causing me to see things because I see y/n unloading bags of trash from a random bin.


"Huh?" She stopped and looked at me. "Muichiro? W-why are you here?"

"...I could ask the same for y-"

"Whatever, get in!"

"W-wh-?" She pulled me by my collar and pushed me into the bin.

I fell on my back with a loud thud, then she jumped in, her left leg on my side and the other between my legs. I thought she was going to step on me then she closed the lid and everything turned dark.

Click click

"I am trying to turn this on, hang on."

Flick flick


Her flashlight turned on, allowing us to get a better view of what's in the darkness. Well she was on top of me however, the fact that faces were only a few inches apart, made my eyes widen as I noticed how beautiful she was.


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