chapter 1207✨

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Chapter 1207 Da Shun strikes!

In the face of everyone's accusations, Chunyu An had nothing to say.  Helping Li Jian to ascend to the top is the most wrong thing he has done in his life, and the one thing he regrets the most. If he had known that Duanmu Anhui had brought such a big disaster to Zong Sui, he would have hacked him to death when he saw the old thief for the first time.

It is a pity that it is too late to say anything now, he has made a big mistake, and it has long been irreversible. Li Jian once asked him to send troops to guard Gancheng, but he didn't go, because he knew it was useless to go. Under the attack of such a powerful weapon as Dashun, how many people in his Zong Sui are not enough for others. It was not that he never thought that Zong Sui had many people and that Da Shun would fight a war, but he still had to take into account his face, so he couldn't be too inhuman. With so many lives stuck there, he didn't believe that Dashun could blow up all of them to death.

But now it was different. The seventh prince died, but he was the elder brother who grew up with the ninth prince under the eyes of a mother! The ninth prince was provoked, how could there be more or less people. No, a city in a few days, a province in a few days, he calculated that in less than a month, the Dashun army should reach the capital.

He was speechless to the courtiers, but he could not do nothing. If Gancheng didn't go to guard it, this capital still had to be guarded. After all, his home was here, so he couldn't even ignore his home.

Of course, Chunyu An was not stupid, he had already planned for the worst. Once the capital fell, the people he arranged in the palace would immediately take action. Chunyuqing would take the lead and tie Li Jian, and then he would send it to Xuan Tianming himself, in exchange for the Chunyu family's presence. Continue to survive under the jurisdiction of Dashun.

This was Chunyu's secret idea, and at that time, Li Jian was showing off his power in the queen's central palace, pointing at Chunyuqing and cursing: "You, a mourning star, are all the scourges of your Chunyu family, who harmed me, Zong Sui. I ended up now. I asked that old man Chunyu An to guard the border gate and he did not go. Now he is bringing an army to surround the capital. Does he want to defend the capital, or does he want to besiege me in the capital? Chunyuqing! You guys What's the heart of the home?"

Listening to his accusations, Chunyuqing looked calm, neither alarmed nor moved, she just told Li Jian: "Take back the hand you pointed at Ben Gong! What qualifications do you have to accuse me? My father helped you up, but he never let you turn against Dashun. It was because you were not greedy enough, killing your father and killing your younger brother was not enough to get a Zong Sui, but you conspired with that old thief in Duanmu to fight Dashun again. Li Jian, Li Jian, don't think about it, for hundreds of years, Zong Sui has been standing under Da Shun and can't turn around. But you have iron essence, so Zong Sui can't beat Da Shun. Where do you get the confidence now, thinking that you can take Da Shun? Just rely on the Tianlei of Duanmu Anguo? I bah! Dream about you! "

Li Jian was damaged by her like his third grandson. No one has ever scolded him like this since he was a child, not even the previous emperor. But now he has been scolded by a woman, but this woman is still his queen. He really wants to kill Chunyuqing now, but it's a pity! Li Jian is sad, he hasn't had time to remove the obstacles in this palace and replace it with his own power. A large number of people who were arranged by the Chunyu family to protect her appeared, and it was him who died.

But Li Jian was unwilling! He told Chunyuqing: "Duanmu Anguo's thunder is not useless, at least he killed the seventh prince of Dashun! Do you know that seventh prince? It is said that he is like a fairy , Every woman in the world is moved by it. I remember that in our capital, many bookstores would secretly sell the portrait of the seventh prince, and those women would buy it and hang it on the head of the bed to watch day and night, thinking about it, No imperial sister can escape the love of the seventh prince. Chunyuqing, I am very curious, have you ever done such a thing before?"

Shen Yi Di Nu (1152-1252) Divine Doctor : Daughter Of The First Wife✅Where stories live. Discover now