Part 65

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*Emma POV *

OMG today I am getting married!!!!!! A lot has happened since a year ago where we went to Spain and our relationship has just grown stronger as a result. I can’t believe it two years ago I was a fan who had just met her idols, a year ago I became Aston Merrygold’s fiancé and today I am becoming Mrs Merrygold it all seems like a dream that I am going to wake up from and I’m still going to be that 18 year old fan girl who wanted to meet her idols. I checked my phone I had so many texts so I read through them as it was still 5am and I didn’t need to actually need to be up for another hour but I was just so excited I couldn’t sleep. There were loads of texts from the night before saying good luck and congratulations for today. Then there were the texts from JLS’s twitter which I read carefully….. aww bless Ast he had done a hourly countdown until 2 this morning on how long until I was Mrs Merrygold I swear the boy never stops surprising me as I read the last tweet another two texts came through the first from the boys twitter which I read * 6 hours til @1993JLSfan is Mrs Merrygold Morning world gonna be a good day so excited and happy can’t sleep #ansaaa Axxxx * the second was a text from Ast it truly the most beautiful text I had ever gotten and I had received many from him it read * To my gorgeous wife to be it still doesn’t feel real that in a few hours you are going to be my wife I actually can’t wait :) Two years ago I woke up thinking it was just another tour date little did I know that I would meet the most amazing, beautiful, talented and sexy women ever and that I would fall hopelessly in love with her and go on to marry her. Ever since I met you there hasn’t been a moment I haven’t thought about you. I love you with everything I’ve got and everything I do is because I love you. As for Lily she is like a daughter to me. Today is the start of the rest of our amazing life together as one no matter what comes at us we can get through it together. I love you so much Emma Louise Warren (can’t wait to change it to Merrygold) See you at the end of the alter Love You Ast xxx PS may have a few surprises planned so go to the kitchen table ;) and I love you too so don’t reply will make me miss you more xxx *

With that I went downstairs and over to the kitchen table and saw to boxes with a note stuck to each of them. The first box had a little sticky note on with Ast’s handwriting on it * I hear it is tradition to have something new and blue ;) Love You Axx * I read before opening the box to see they were so beautiful I left them on the side for a second before reading the note on the second box in the same noticeable writing * And something old and borrowed? Was my grandmas now my Mums your borrowing it for the day* I looked down at the most perfect necklace ever  I know he said not to but I had to text Ast everything was so perfect he had honestly thought of everything. I quickly whipped out my phone tweeting * TODAYS THE DAY :D xxx * before composing a text to Ast * Ast you are going to be the best husband ever you are perfect and the jewellery is perfect. Can’t wait to be able to call you my husband LOVE YOU SO MUCH Em xx * I almost instantly got a reply * Glad you liked them baby got more surprises throughout the day love you Ast xxx *

The actual wedding went off without a hitch it truly was everything we wanted we had just had our meal and the speeches were just about to start


Marvin started to tap the side of his glass with his fork as he stood up as the room went silent and he started to talk. ‘Okay firstly I would like to say that I will take full credit for this couple getting together as it was my idea to get go out the back and meet the girls’ which caused all the guests to laugh lightly before turning back to Marvin to finish his speech ‘Now normally in the best man’s speech is normally full of embarrassing stories of the groom but Aston embarrasses himself enough on a daily basis so I’m just going to get to the stuff that really matters. Emma from the moment Aston met you I could tell that he fell for you instantly he never shut up about you on tour well even that evening. When he told me that he was going to propose I wasn’t surprised in the slightest he loves every single bone that is in your body.. No matter what has been or will be thrown at you I too I know that you will make it through it. Aston you have been my best mate along with JB and Reesh for years now and I think we all agree that this is the happiest we have ever seen him. So if you would all like to raise your glasses and congratulate Aston and Emma’

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