Part 21

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Chloe POV

Today was so much fun looking after Lily she really was no trouble at all and to be completly honest it was a must needed distraction and I really needed to talk to Emma about it when she got back from work because I knew the longer I leave it the harder it is going to be to deal with it. When I came back from the shops with Lily I saw the flowers in the kitchen and read the card aww Aston was so sweet I honestly hope it all works out with all of us as it would be amazing two lots of four best friends all coupling up it would be so nice. As the night went on I got more and more nervous about talking to Emma. I hadn’t really said much all evening I was just keeping myself to myself eating my tea before having a long relaxing bath before going back downstairs and making us both a hot chocolate as Emma put Lily to bed.


They both sat down on the sofas taking a sip of their hot chocolate not one of them wanting to speak first so after a couple of minutes of awkward silence Emma put her mug down on the coffee table and spoke. ‘Okay we are going to do this the hard way or the easy way. So either you are going to tell me whats on your mind now or we can sit here until 3 in the morning and you can tell me but baring in mind you have work tomorrow at 9 I guess we go for the easy option. No matter whats going on you can tell me like I told you yesterday you know you can tell me anything what are best friends more?’ Emma finished having another sip of her drink and looked at Chloe who had moved to the corner of the sofa and had pulled her knees up to her chest and started crying softly. ‘ay whats all this about?’ Emma asked concerned getting up sitting next to her and pulled her into a hug. ‘Come on I’m sure its nothing we can’t solve’ she continued ‘I… I…..I just…. don’t…. know… what …to do Emma’ Chloe managed to get out in between cries. ‘Come on you can tell me whats wrong?’ ‘I’m late’ Chloe quickly got out before bursting into tears as the were falling hard now. ‘Okay well we can deal with this I’ve been here don’t forget first things first you need to take a pregnancy test we don’t want to get to far of ourselves. I have one upstairs do you want to take it now?’ Emma said calmly still hugging Chloe trying to comfort her as Chloe nodded her head. ‘Right come on then lets go upstairs and no matter what happens I’m here for you.’

They both went upstairs and Emma got her spare pregnancy test that she always had since she found out about Lily and left Chloe to take the test. Chloe did what she needed to do before coming into the room a little more calm than before. ‘Can you look with me?’ Chloe had asked after 2 minutes had passed ‘Yeah of course’ they both got up and made their way to the test and looked at it ‘PREGNANT’ was the results and Chloe started crying again as Emma swiftly pulled her into a tight her. ‘It will be okay Chloe no matter what happens I will be here for you but you need to tell Marvin. I’m guessing the baby is his?’ ‘Yeah’ ‘Okay well when they come back next week you need to tell him you need to make a decision together.’ ‘Okay thanks Emma I think I need to go and sleep now and get my head around everything I will see you in the morning’ ‘Okay night babes but remember everything will be okay.’ Emma smiled slightly back at her before getting ready for bed herself.

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