Part 28

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‘You need to tell him Abi you’re acting like a complete bitch its unfair on him’ Chloe said as the others still stood there in complete shock ‘Says you the slag whose up the duff’ Abi shouted back ‘Hey that is out of order’ Emma shouted at her pulling Chloe in for a hug as she broke down ‘You can’t talk you were a slag from a young age jsut turned 18 and you already have a kid’ ‘Says the slag that is sleep around if you don;t tell Reesh now I will’ Emma said ‘I think you need to go now Abi don’t expect to hear from any of us anytime soon’ Erin said as they all walked away to the taxi layby and got a taxi back to Emma and Chloes.

*Emma POV*

I can’t belive Abi she is such a bitch never thought she was like that but hey her loss. Ngl the fact taht she called me a slag still hurt but I’m used to it now I got all that abuse when I first got pregnant but Chloe is so cut up about it. She just cried into Erins arms when we got back I tried to tell her to calm down because it could cause stress on the baby especially at this early stage. I couldn’t take it anymore I knew I had to call Ast I knew he would still be on the bus I felt bad having to tell Reesh but I couldn;t let him carry on thinking everything was okay when it isn’t and Marv had to know about Chloe I was hoping he woud manage to calm her down a bit. With that I went into the kitchen and called Ast…

(Ast - A Emma - E )

A- Hey babe was just about to call you so bored on this bus its unreal

E - Aww poor you

A - Enough of the sarcasm missy how was the catch up?

E- Eh

A - Eh?

E - I will explain in a minuted can I talk to Reesh then Marv please then I will tell you everything and it will make a lot more sense

A -Okay wait on sec

I could here Ast get up from the bed and move around the bus before shouting ‘Reesh Bruv Emma wants to talk to you for some reason’ before handing him the phone ‘Hey whats up?’ Reesh said at the end of the line here it goes I had to tell him it was unfair I had no idea how she was going to take it but I have to ………..

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