Part 58

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Emma POV

I woke up suddenly at the feel of two arms absent from being around my waist so I turned over in bed to be met by astons eyes gazing down at me. Glancing quickly at the clock seeing the time wow it was only 5.30 am. 'Merry Christmas baby' Aston whispered before lowering his head to give me a sweet kiss on the lips 'mmm morning Christmas babe, what you doing up so early?' I whispered back as she stifled a yawn. Aston just shrugged 'its Christmas' which caused me to giggle as I asked 'and how old are you?' 'come on lets get back to sleep before Lily wakes up' as Aston shuffled back down the bed and wrapped is arms back around my waist. I couldn't have been asleep for more than half an hour before I heard muffling over the baby moniter from Lily's room as I got up to get her Aston leapt out of bed with, 'I'll bring her in babe' So I shuffled up the bed more so that we could all fit into the bed not going to lie I was excited about this year. Not only would it be our first Christmas together but it would be the first Christmas where Lily really understood what was going on.

Aston POV

The morning went really quickly we decided that we were going to leave giving our presents to each other in the evening. Our plans changed sligtly as my family didn;t want to interupt us on our first Christmas togther only came for an hour this monring even after persisting that they weren't interupting is but they wouldnt have any of it. The rest of the morning consisted of watching Lily open her presents Emma was in complete ore of her watching her try to open her presesnts. She would play with them for a couple of minutes before moving onto the next one. It wasn;t just us who had spoilt her thank god everyone had inclusing the boys. I don;t think there was one baby toy in Toys R Us that Lily didn;t get this Christmas. We sat down and had our Christmas lunch which was really nice but it still felt strange I was used to having a big family meal but instead it was just us three don;t get me wrong it was lovely but I couldn't help but wonder about our future Christmas's together. With my mind wondering about our future I decided I wanted to give Emma her present. So i got up quickly grabbing it from under the sofa and handing it to her.

Emma POV

'I know we weren;t giving presents til later but I want you to have yours now' Aston said handing me a brown envelope. I opened it up to see a picture of a field completely confuzzed I just sat there and looked at it. 'Well?' Aston poped up next too me interupting my thoughts 'err Ast its a picture of a field' 'Yes ... our field' I was still completly clueless what is this guy on about our field. 'Look' Aston said taking my hands into his 'I brought this field for you so that we can plan our dream house together and build our life together' This guy is complely nuts

Aston POV

'Are you completly mad?' Emma asked still looking completly confuzzed 'No I thought it would be something nice we could do and have together' I said beginning to panic what if she doesn't like it or thinks its too soon oh CRAP you;ve really screwed up. 'Aww Ast I loved it, it is the most thoughtful prsesnt anyone has got me' I let out a sigh of relief as she gave me mine. She got me some clothes and a new watch which he kept saying wasn't as much as what I got her but as I kept telling her. Herself and Lily coming in and being part of my life is the best present anyone could get me I don't think I could get any happier than this moment.

Sorry if its crapped it was a bit rushed but I felt mean not posting for a while anyway feedback and votes are always apprieciated x

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