Part 16

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‘So whats happening here?’ Chloe asked as Emma and Aston walking back in holding hands. ‘Nothing just two friends holding hands for support isn’t that right babe?’ Aston said smirking, ‘Thats just Ast’ Emma continued as they both tried not to laugh as they both sat down at the table. ‘You okay now?’ Reesh asked braking the awkward silence as no-one wanted to be the first one to speak. ‘Yeah it all got a bit much I mean its just I didn’t want any of you to think any different of me.’ Emma said trying not to cry again as Aston sqweezed her in a hug tightly. They all quickly reassured her that they it didn’t change their opinions of her. ‘So what time to you have to go babe?’ Abi asked Reesh as they all finished off their breakfast ‘Umm about 30 minutes time’ Reesh replied.’We better get going boys’ JB said looking at the rest of the boys ‘Aww do we have to?’ Aston said whining ‘Yes we do Bruv but don’t worry you will see your girls very soon’ ‘Come on we will walk you back to your hotel and wave you off’ Erin said and Chloe and Abi nodded in agreement. ‘You coming Emma?’ Chloe asked as Emma just looked down avoiding the question. ‘Yeah you have to wave me off babe’ Aston said pulling her up from the table as the boys settled the bill as they insisted that they paid. ‘Ummmm actually I need to get my train back too see Lilly as my Mum can only look after her until 12’ Emma said quietly. ‘Its okay babe I’ll drive you there now lets grab our things then I’ll drop you off’

Chloe POV

I’m so glad me and Marvin are getting together now even though we have only known each other for just over 24 hours last night was amazing. I’m still a bit worried about Emma and everything getting too much for her with Lilly and us moving to London shes been through so much the past year especially. I’m glad we are moving to London together its going to be a fresh start for the both of us.

Erin POV

All through breakfast everyone else was all lovey dovey even Aston and Emma even though at that point they weren’t together I really wanted to ask JB out but I don’t know he always seems like he wants us to just be friends. I’m hoping that as we all hang out more especially with the otherthree all together now that we will move past the friend stage I just don’t want to risk anything and ruin it because we do get on so well.


I’m so excited that Emma and Chloe is going to be in London now its going to be amazing we can all hang out a lot more not just talking on bbm, texting calling and twitter its going to be so much fun.

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