Part 10

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‘Good morning babe last night was amazing’ Marvin said leaning over and giving her a sweet kiss on the lips before putting his boxers on and going over to the kettle and flicking it on. Chloe tried to get out of bed but her head was killing ‘OWCH’ she muttered under her breathe so that Marvin didn’t hear but she guessed he did because the five minutes later he came in with a glass of water and some pain killers, ‘here babe take these they will make your head a bit better and we are going to meet the rest fo the guys for breakfast for a catch up in a bit so I’m gonna jump in the shower’ ‘Okay I will go in after you to give theses some time to kick in’

After they had both had their showers and got ready Marvin turned to Chloe, ‘Babe’ ‘Yeah’ ‘There is something I wanted to ask you before we went to meet the others’ ‘Okay what is it’ ‘ummm….. I was wondering if you would go out with me? Like on a proper date’ ‘Yes I would like that’ ‘Okay I will well unfortunatly it won’t be able to be for another couple of weeks but when I have the break from tour I will come up and take you on a date sorry it cant be sooner’ ‘Babe its fine have you already forgot that I’m still a fan I know your on tour and you have a lot with work and I have college anyway so its fine we will sort something out’ Marvin came over and smiled before pulling Chloe in and kissing her passsionatley. ‘Come on you we better get going Emma is always on time’ ‘One more kiss and she’s with Aston hes always late’ he mumbled against her lips as they walked out of the hotel room with their fingers entwined.

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